Dec 18, 2008 16:37
It's time to form the management team for Tesfest 09. Plans are underway to celebrate our event July 2 -July 6, 2009 in Piscataway, NJ. We need your help to pull together a terrific event staff. If you have a particular area of interest, or a specific skill you'd like to contribute, now's your chance to let us know.
Senior Staff is required to have access to private email, be available for monthly staff meetings, be a member of TES and of course attend the entire event. In addition to Senior Staff positions, we are also looking for volunteers with some special skill sets. Sound like fun? It is!
Following are some of the areas we are looking to fill
1.Admin Asst to the Chairs - monitors the tesfest email addresses and responds to emails when required.
2.Safety and Security Director(s) and Asst(s) mostly at event
3. Program Coordinators - both pre and at event
4. Programming Ops - sets up class rooms at the direction of program coordinator(s) - at event
5. Special Events Director and Asst Director - pre and at event
6. Customer Service - checks in all registered guests, distributes reg materials - some pre mostly at event
7.Volunteer Director and Asst(s) - assigns and tracks all volunteers from volunteer letter until volunteer tee shirts are rewarded - pre event and some at event
8.Graphic artists - art design and signage for marketing materials and website - pre-event
9. Quartermaster - order supplies and equipment and keep inventory - pre and at event
10. IT - assist all areas with technology issues, especially with registration system and website. Knowledge of Linux/Unix and PHP extremely useful. Ability to update content also needed. - pre event.
If you'd like to throw your hat in the ring for TF09 staff or a specialized volunteer position, please send an email to by Sunday, December 21, 2008. Please let us know what position(s) you'd be interested in, list any experience you have (scene and vanilla), and please include your name, scene name, Instant Messaging address, email address and a phone number where we may contact you.
If you have questions about any position(s), please email us at for more information.
Wes and Catelynn
TF09 Chairs