Apr 12, 2004 17:36
today was a funnish day....or maybe just ish
I had a 3 hour long doctors appointment - that would be the ish part - and i got to listen to country all the way there and back so there was some good out of it
then i "hit up" the mall with good ol' moms and got about 5 things- thats the funnish part
now i'm just bored i guess thats another ish but oh well. I knew today was going to be long and boring so I exceeded my expectations.
My CDs should be here tomorrow which means they'll be here on thursday or friday that'll keep my mind off the cold weather coming up this week (I LOVE NEW YORK!)
I'm trying to stop spending money because i want to go to two concerts coming up, and i now have a grand total of 1.13$...oh yeah...I'm rollin in it...give me a week and i'll have about 30 more cents from my drive way if i'm lucky.
Well they've decided to play "When the Sun goes Down" so i'm gunna go turn it up and pretend I'm on an unknown beach some where in Albion...
later <3 Jess