My Long Island earthquake experience

Aug 25, 2011 00:11

Yesterday, i was sitting at my desk,
working, looking stuff up in a tax map book, using my mouse, looking at the computer screen
and I felt a wave.
hmm. wind blowing the building? no. too strong.
explosion? no. it keeps rolling.
say something?
is this really something?
wave WAVE
I bolt out of my office into the corridor toward the secretary's cubicle:
Dottie is not there.
John, from next office to me, appears.
I say "This is an earthquake."
The floor was moving.
The floor was moving in waves.
I could hear the building creaking.
John and I stood there frozen, staring at each other.
I dont know how I was so sure, but I knew it had to be an earthquake.
I had never experienced one.
And then I saw Andrew, who is 3 offices down, and Andy, 4 offices down, had come out of their offices too.
Andy was holding onto this door frame.
And one of us said "We gotta get out of here" and right then we all moved very rapidly for the door.
And I galloped down those 4 flights.
And all I was thinking was Don't Fall. Don't Fall.
And the building fire alarm went off just as I was exiting the building
People were looking up at the building.
We stood outside for an hour before they let us back in.

It was scary, but I am really glad I experienced it, and that there was no damage.

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