Feb 28, 2008 20:40
Todays been shit.
Angela was using the hairdryer to dry her work. So i was like Ang can i use that after you and she was like sure. So when she finshed she gave it me so i was quite happily drying my machette.
Then Hannah came over, a borange if ever i've seen one, and was all
omfgz I was usin tha bbzzz
and i was like no you wern't
omgxzz yeh a was bzzzzz
er no, Angela has just been using it
Angela was just using it
An-ge-la was -jus-t u-si-ing it
Yeh a herd wa u sed gddd. I was usin it i goh ih frm tah ruum.its myne.
Well tough, your gonna have to wait like everyone else
ofg give it *robs hairdryer*
What The Fuck give that back *takes back hairdryer*
OMgz bbz i cnt beleve tht u juss tuk tha frum meh!
Good for you
*turns the power off*
Whats the point, that just makes it impossible for you too use it
*looks confused*
Jesus *unplugs hairdryer and moves to the other power pack*
OMFGzzz queer bbz.
Hah, like that bothers me.
so yeah, that was how it went.
So anyway, back using the hairdryer lalalala
Art teacher (who i totally dont get on because he focuses all his attention to the double GCSE group...and the boranges) comes over,
Peter I've had a complaint
Oh fuck off she snatched it off me.
Hannah-kins come over here.
(Hannah-kins, god i'm gonna throw up)
So hannah comes over.
Well it seems to Hannah-kins here that she got the hairdryer and got sidetracked
(Meaning she had finished with it, and was going off to do other work) and when she came back, it was being used by someone else,
yeh buh sirr he sntched it frm me
Well if I snatached it from you, then that means you had to rob it off me first doesn't it?
*The borange looks like someone undercut her with a wet wipe and removed her 7 inches of makeup*
Well Hannah-kins, its not right either you should of gone flying off the hadle, 'cos I know Pete here, and if you'd just asked I'm sure he would of let you use the hairdryer.
God i wanted to throw up, i fucking hate art. I fucking hate my school, its a pile of shite.
It's not right that i should have to be forced to desperately fight to get the grades I want so I can get into college and Uni and be a doctor so i can do something with my life, with these shit bags who are so busy putting on their inches of make-up, harrasing pensioners, and not giving a damn about the rest of their lives, and as if that wasn't bad enough they're dragging everyone else down with them.
But then
I got home, fired up the pc and put Windows media player on shuffle, and Schadenfreude from Avenue Q came on.
The world needs people like you and me who've been knocked around by fate.
'Cause when people see us, they don't want to be us, and that makes them feel great.
We provide a vital service to society!
You and me!
Making the world a better place...
Making the world a better place...
Making the world a better place...
To be!
And you know what, It made me feel a damn lot better about everything.
real life,