Sep 27, 2009 15:21
I seem to have abandoned my LJ a bit of recent havent I? Completely unintentional ofc. I've just been a bit busy, with things such as
-Results Parties
-Gay Pride
-Results Parties
but these are things that are now so far in the past I cant quite bring myself to be arsed to write in any detail about.
My GCSE's went well, I'm quite surprised I didnt blog about that, but here you are
English - A
English Literature - A
Maths - A
Science - A A
IT - A* A
Art - A
RE - A
History - B
Spanish - C
Very happy with that - pure surprised I past Spanish! But this all backfired by putting me into gifted and talented in college, meaning I have to give up a free for the pointless Critical thinking.
The weekend following results I went to gay pride, first time on the 'scene' and canal street - my god it was amazing, scary, but amazing, very much queer as folk, everyone trying to cop off with everyone else (and I was happily a part of that group ;D )
So College, in the words of Asher Roth, "I Love College, I Love Drinking". It is pretty 'maze. I'll start with the bad shall I. Critical thinking and open forum. Oh dear god why :| They are the biggest waste of time on the planet. Also the fact my friend Gina decided to leave last wednesday and return to shit form, we only found out via text the next day sat in double politics. Oh doubles, how I hate them, pure bad way to start the day.
Whilst I'm at it, these are my A Levels,
-English Lit
-Critical Thinking (only a lesson a week)
And my enrichment is -Philosophy At The Movies (Wednesday afternoon's)
Its good, I think Politics will be the subject I drop at A2, but its not bad, theres just some right annoying twats, and were expected to know everything already, I dont see the point to be honest.
But Frees, how did I live without you beautiful beautiful frees <3 Sit offs in the forum (the coffee shop in college) are the way to spend the day.
Its safe to say the best thing about college is the social scene, and the fact that from it I may have a relationship coming my way soon.
Who can say?
But I'm afraid I must end this here and return to this Law essay. funfunfun.
real life,