It's been quite a while since my last post hasn't it?
Well to be fair - I've been revising for my RE GCSE exam on Monday. It's a bit annoying that the 2 hour exam starts at 1pm - so even if everyone is on time, we wont finish until after school.
Year 11 left this year. It's quite sad to too see Alison and Leoni leave. I remember the first time I met Leoni, me and luke were being geeks in the library at dinner time on the PC's in year 7, and Leoni came over saying she was gonna be quick because she was in year 8 and didn't want to be seen talking to two year 7's.
I met Alison when she came with Leoni to Extreme Readers (What a geeky name for a book club - I for one wasn't impressed.) We had some good times, like when we went to town, and met a singing Monk.
Monk: Stop! Stop! Stop! Hey Hey Hey! Not A Survey Today!
Monk: Are you wearing socks?
Alison: What these? *points at socks*
Monk; Well this CD will rock your socks off!
Looking back, I wish I had bought that cd. I wrote about that day when Alison asked me to sign her leavers book - It's a shame I never saw Leoni to write a message in hers.
On Thursday, the same day year 11 left, I went to watch Jordan perform his performance piece at college after school. It was REALLY funny! At one point they were in the hairdressers, and had to put the machine on - "Turning the machine on now!" he said before straddling the other actor playing the woman in the hairdressers, riding his lap whilst making sex sounds. I was crying laughing!
There were some other great lines like
How Long do I have be under this machine for Barbara?
I had my hair done at barbara's
oh it suits you rosey
ohhh thanks
does it fuck.
hehe :D
So yeahhhh.
Went for an eyetest today. These are the glasses I'm picking up on monday.
http://www.specsavers.co.uk/productDetail.php?cPath=3&id=1343&brand=373&start=18&p_f=0In black with blue on the sides.
But dad went to the walk in centre, leaving me to choose, pay and sign for my glasses alone, it was quite daunting really. I was really panicking, as I couldnt find dad, his phone was at home and My phone wasn't receiving. I used a payphone to call Home and try to get Kasia to get in touch with dad - who I eventually found on my 2nd trip to the Walk In Centre (which is in the rough part of town :( )
So yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh