(no subject)

May 10, 2007 17:03

So. That's Tony on his way out then.

Now I know there has been other Prime Ministers in my life time but there's none that has affected *ME*. OK the previous PM's had a hand in my schooling and on my parents, but not directly on *ME*. I've grown up learning about tax on petrol under Tony, I've had my wages dictated by his policy, the news I've heard on the telly and the radio are a result of his decisions. So I think it's gonna take a bit of getting used to a new PM.

OK so we've all heard of Gordon Brown and he has stood side by side with Tony on policy decisions and whatnot over the last ten years so I can't imagine there being THAT much change in the way we live for the short term but in the long term, if a Tory or....well, I was gonna say someone else government but what's the chances of that(unless Scotland breaks away from the UK)...! If a Tory government were to come in, which could well happen in the next two or three years, what changes will we see?

Cos they say, ten years after Labour came to power, that we have more desposable income, more people are employed and whatnot, we have a better public transport system, better health system - agreed with these statements as much as you like - so what changes would we see under someone else? The thing you always hear about the previous Tory government is the whole 'boom and bust' thing, which sounds shit to me. From what I hear, we're better off now than we ever have done, econemy-wise, right? Why would we want to vote that out? OK so he's taken us to war and everything but tbh, I would have said we're better off for that. Yes lots of people died but let's face it, Saddam Hussan was a cunt.

Erm...I don't really know where I'm going with this but, yeah, it's something that I'm a bit apprehensive about I think.

Time's a'changin'...
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