therealljidol - Season 4, Week 4 Voting (Deadline is Monday, 3rd December @ 1:00pm EST)

Nov 30, 2007 14:18

Things seem to be heating up quite a bit for this week, especially for Tribe 3, which I am a member. We're back to a normal full weekend for voting and for this topic, it appears to be quite involved enough to justify such a timeframe.

So, you may remember the topic was "Current Events" and you can peruse my entry. I didn't get a lot of responses to this one, even from the therealljidol community, although, I do admit the subject matter for this one was a bit too esoteric and probably a bit too local for people to care. How it rates amongst the general readership remains for you, the voter, to decide. Just remember to vote before this Monday at 1PM...and vote often!

Here are the tribe breakdowns:

Tribe 1
Tribe 2
Tribe 3

Remember the following motto:

"You don't have read my writings, but you should at least vote for me."

lj idol, season 4, week 4, the real lj idol, voting, therealljidol

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