Doctor Who meme...

Sep 25, 2006 13:53

Pick ONE story for each Doctor.

1. William Hartnell -- The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve: Hartnell playing against type more or less, but this was last great mostly serious historical story before everything took a turn for the comedic...for a while at least...

2. Patrick Troughton -- The Evil of the Daleks: You'd have to admit, everything sorta clicked in a way as the end of daleks at least for the b&w era. I thought the "Human Factor" daleks were quite fun.

3. Jon Pertwee -- The Green Death: I think Katy's performance as Jo sorta grew on me over time and she was a companion that was quite likable...mostly

4. Tom Baker -- The Masque of Mandragora: I love period pieces and this one is no exception. Plus it has classic Sarah Jane/Tom moments and the gothic style console room for the TARDIS.

5. Peter Davison -- The Caves of Androzani: Classic Robert Holmes...a shame he didn't write more in the 80s

6. Colin Baker -- Revelation of the Daleks: Black comedy and Davros as "humanitarian" stuff

7. Sylvester McCoy -- Ghost Light: Another period setting, probably because the Beeb does this sort of thing so well...also, am I one of the few people in fandom that actually gets what this story is really about?

8. Paul McGann -- The Chimes of Midnight: Robert Shearman is probably the best writer ever for Doctor Who...hands down, no holds barred...

9. Christopher Eccleston -- The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances: Are you my mummy?

10. David Tennant -- The Girl in the Fireplace: What, you were expecting the Cybermen one just because I picked two stories directed by Graeme Harper earlier...HA!

meme, doctor who, dream theater

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