(no subject)

Mar 22, 2009 01:37

Guys. Guuuuys. I am so bored. My whole week was spent trying to get myself in shape for a chemistry exam, and now that it's over my brain is mush and I don't know what to do with myself. Which obviously means it's time to dick around on the internet and prattle at length about dumb stuff for a while. NOW I HAVE A PLAN.

Right, so I am so late to the party with this show, but good god this is fun to watch. It really does feel like you're back in elementary school, visiting a friend's house and acting like dorks. <3 So, so cute. "Go wash your face and try again." <3

This (hey yeah self let's just turn this into Youtubepalooza today) pretty much sums up Watchmen for me. Nite Owl and Silk Spectre especially, kind of ambivalent about them. Hilarious and accurate. My boyfriend spontaneously decided last week that we needed to go on a Real Live Date, so we went to Watchmen, which I haven't read since high school and he's never read. It was pretty awesome for the most part (though I'll echo the internet at large and wonder wtf was up with that soundtrack. I mean, I like just about all those songs, but it was like someone just bought a copy of Now That's What I Call Protest Anthems Vol 3 and let it play in the background during post-production), but maaaaan were Silk Spectre and Nite Owl really awkward and kind of boring to watch. And that soft core scene was just... I'm so glad I didn't take, like, my mother to that movie. Uncomfortable times. Plus I fucking hate that version of Hallelujah. The only version I find tolerable is Rufus Wainwright's, and he can't pronounce half the words correctly. But then the fact that it's almost like listening to a very fey Homestar Runner singing baroque pop is part of his appeal to me and I'm wandering off on a tangent. Sewiously, though, the man is a bit of a mush-mouth.

Also, if either Rorshach or Dr. Manhattan were real, I'm pretty sure my boyfriend would leave me. If they were both real, I don't think I'd even get a tearful farewell "it was not meant to be" note pinned to the pillow. Also also, since the ending pained him so, he's decided that Rorshach is actually on a farm in New Jersey where he has lots of room to run travelling around with Dr. Manhattan in whatever crazy galaxy he's taken a shine to, bitching about everything that pops into his head and making the doc create sugar cubes for him. AND GOD HELP THE MAN WHO TRIES TO TELL HIM DIFFERENTLY.

Oh man, and! Frickin' Great Mouse Detective fuck yeah. Go watch it before it gets taken down; I love this movie so much it's ridiculous. I watched it so often as a kid I've still got the script and even a lot of the characters' facial tics memorized. My grandmother had the Basil of Baker Street books that she'd kept from way back that she used to read to me when I was tiny, so besides the fact that it's good the movie ties in with some kickass memories.

This is another one of those movies that would never see the light of day if it were in production now. GUNS. SADISM. ALE AND WHORES. Also, Vincent Price is the villain. You know you can't go wrong with Vincent Price. VINCENT PRICE WITH A SHOWSTOPPING MUSICAL NUMBER. Actually, there are...what, four songs in the movie? Which is pretty conservative for a Disney flick. And "Let Me Be Good to You" and "Goodbye So Soon" don't even break the fourth wall, one's a cabaret performance and the other is a gramophone recording. Oh wait, I guess Price has two songs, not just one. He sings in the recording.

Professor Ratigan plays the harp. You know he's badass. And he's a snazzy dresser but the one-button gloves are only there to hide his claaaaws

Something I always appreciated about this movie, even as a kid, is that it has a plot that requires an attention span of more than five seconds. Something important was always happening and there was always this feeling of tension. The whole plot takes place during one 24-hour period, so there's this urgency to it that a lot of animated films either don't have or don't maintain for nearly as long. I have a major beef with most Disney films now, in that there's no tension. No real conflict, no real moments of danger, no reason to give a flying goddamn about any of the characters or what they're doing. It's all been sanitized and dumbed down to the point that kids won't get anything out of it except lowered expectations and perhaps a slightly duller mind. And I'm not just saying this because the breakroom TV at work has been playing Beverly Hills Chihuahua and Back 2 the Wild or whatever the hell that flaming piece of crap is called for the past two weeks.

Interestingly enough (to me anyway), someone put up the OST. I'd never gotten the chance to listen to the music without the distraction of the movie itself, but the soundtrack is really good. I'll take a kickass orchestra over the bizarre mishmash of pop music that Disney seems to favor these days, thank you. The music that plays during the big finale is, appropriately, pretty goddamn epic. And naturally, since I've seen the movie umpteen-thousand times, I could pretty much reconstruct the whole scene from the musical cues. It made me feel both gleeful and embarrassingly dorky at the same time. Like the bit just before 2:30 where a lot of the instrumentation drops out to make room for Ratigan and Fidget's conversation, and 2:30 itself when the zepplin is relieved of a little dead weight.
2:55 is the start of my very favorite bit of the whole movie, actually; I love how stripped-down and ominous the music is here after all that energetic chase-scene music. It's not even a minute long, but that one little piano and strings passage has stuck with me for years. And the buildup to 3:45 where Ratigan goes batshit is pretty sweet. There are sound effects in the movie that sort of obscure the music, so it's cool to hear a clean version. Ratigan's theme is so dark and oily-sounding and psychotic~

And it's so atmospheric, too. The only real daylight scene is, appropriately, right at the end. There's a scene near the beginning that might take place during the late afternoon...? But I honestly can't tell because it's so foggy. Anything else that could be taking place in the daytime is an interior shot, and anything outside is foggy and murky and dark and grimy, which is pretty much how I picture Holmes' London (or just Victorian London in general). So fabulous. God I'm so gay for this movie. <3

Holy cow, I feel like a moron for not noticing this sooner, but Ratigan has four fingers. Everyone else has the usual three. RATIGAN IS CLEARLY SUPERIOR.

Man, you know what? This is going to be Youtubepalooza, what the hell. I've been thinking about Phoenix Wright now for a couple days, so there's this thing? I like how she works so many different characters into it, and the song is ace.

Oh, and speaking of being late to the party, I'm pretty sure I'm officially the last person around to read this. Now my brother is convinced that I'm a closet furry. (I am a little bit sweet on Viktor, but I'm pretty sure that's just my general weakness for big surly guys acting up again). Many's the time I've tried to explain the nuance of anthropomorphization of animals to him, but I'm not coming through, alas. I blame the lack of proper cartoons in his childhood. He'd never even heard of Darkwing Duck or Tailspin until he was eleven years old, for god's sake. Man, when did he even learn what furry was? So very sad. No matter how old he gets, he'll always be that loud little five-year-old making ramps for his toy cars out of his friends' pokemon cards to me. The innocence of youth is so fleeting.

Zarla linked to this nifty website that makes a font out of your handwriting. It's pretty fun. I thought I'd try it, but the only reliable ink-based writing instrument I've got today is a Sharpie Industrial (god help you if you mark something you didn't want to mark oh lord), so it came out kind of...fat. Also, I normally write in cursive. Trying to print was kind of weird, so I just made letters like I normally do. The results are appalling. Disregard the lame content; I've been watching me some Jeeves and Wooster. Not sure where the 'bollocks' came from , though, since I'm pretty sure that word doesn't exist in the JW world. And if it were ever uttered there it'd be a word of dark, eldritch power. Either that, or the person who let it slip would cut their own tongue out to make sure it never happened again.

But yeah, except for the fact that the letters don't connect and it's kind of chunky (as markers tend to be), that's pretty much my writing.
It's like looking at a little kid's writing. *sigh*

FFFFFFFFF Photoshop, why are you stuck on the grabby-hand tool? I never even use the grabby-hand. I wanted the eyedropper. You're spazzing out, aren't you? I restarted you and you're still stuck on the grabby-hand tool. Bitch. Fine, I didn't even want to paint anything anyway. Fuck you, Photoshop. I thought we were friends.

Yeah, that was pretty amazing.
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