Used-tissue snowman is go!

Feb 25, 2009 17:33

I've probably gone through enough tissues to build one, too.  My nose is about to fall off, I swear to god.  Between fainting from fever, having to be taken to the emergency room (where they gave me some kind of inhalant from a space-age technobong that tasted like pennies) because I couldn't breathe properly, to spending all of Wednesday licking ice cubes because I was incredibly thirsty but couldn't keep any water down, I think it's safe to say I haven't been that sick in quite a while.  Hopefully, I won't be that sick again for quite a longer while.  I missed an entire week of classes; I don't even want to think about how far behind I am now.  Just when I thought I might do well in a chemistry course, too.  Goddamn.

On the bright side, since I was too nauseous to eat for the better part of a week, I still have Valentine chocolates left.  The truffles, even!  They're the best kind.  Not like those pink goop-filled abominations.

Man, I've been in such a Team Fortress kind of mood the last couple days, and I can't figure out why.  I'm dismal at Team Fortress.  If you ever frag a pyro who's aimlessly running around backwards while staring straight up at the sky, it's probably me.  If I don't just end up killing myself somehow.  There needs to be some kind of remedial tutorial for these fancy-pants games.  Or a campaign.  At least then I could fail around without pissing anyone off.  :B

In related news, still haven't finished KoF 11, even with handicaps.  That final boss is ridiculous.  IT'S NOT AN ARCADE GAME.  THERE ARE NO QUARTERS.  WHY DO THIS TO ME?  If it takes the frame-counting fighting game savants multiple tries to finish this damn thing, there's not much hope for me.  );

Oh!  And apparently I've destroyed someone's childhood with my gay porn website.  FANCY THAT.  I can't for the life of me figure out what's so bad, but then I'm obviously beyond all help by now.


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