A snek is a lond creekr.

May 26, 2009 21:28

Caught a snake this morning! See, kids, you should go right outside and play around on woodpiles.

It's just a little garter snake, a female I think...? The tail's all stumpy; I can't quite remember if that's how you tell or not. I cleaned out and feng-shuied up the terrarium from one of last year's mantises; it's the perfect size for a small snake even if it was ludicrously, MTV Cribs huge for the insect, so I'm glad I bought it after all. I figure I'll keep her to watch for a few days, then let her go. The woodpile's gone as of tomorrow, but she'll be happy enough under the tool shed.

The neighbor's bringing his kids over tomorrow to have a look in an effort to reverse some of the damage their nature-phobic mother has wrought on them. :B I like her and all, but I'm not sure how she can stand living being that afraid of and disgusted by...well, everything outside. Dirt, worms, snakes, the more assertive varieties of bird, cats, bugs, mice, and I don't think she's a fan of plants, either. It puzzles me deeply.

Oh! And I'm thinking about buying a house this year. After giving this literally a few hours of deep and careful thought I've decided I loathe renting. Buying is actually cheaper here, and I'll be improving my credit rather than just throwing my money into the abyss every month. And I'd get to paint the walls any color I like. Of course, I'd also have to eat the cost of everything that goes wrong with the plumbing, roof, appliances, etc. My SO has expressed an interest in making this a joint venture, about which I'll admit I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it's silly from a financial standpoint for us to pay two sets of bills instead of splitting one. On the other hand, I haven't had a chance to live by myself yet, and buying a house together adds a level of seriousness and formality to the relationship that makes me feel a little skittish.

Adding to the skittishness: holy mother of God, I wish everyone at work would lay off the "so when are you two getting married?" "Why aren't you two married yet?" "You two should just get married!" "You two are going to have such cute kids!" and asldj;saldjf We're 22, ffs! We haven't even finished our bachelors' yet, let alone grad school. What is the friggin' rush with these people? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm dating someone, for crying out loud, and we've been together since 2007. alskdf;kf

So yeah. In conclusion: Snakes are awesome and fix everything.

kvetching, zoology

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