Title: Everyday Fantastic: A Time Lord's Guide to the Slow Path (15/15)COMPLETE
Author: Roxyk630
WARNING: There are S4 spoilers beyond this point.
Character/Pairing: Ten II (10.5, Human!Ten, Blue!Ten)/Rose, Appearances by: Jackie, Jake, Pete, Tony and others
Rating: PG13 (for sexual situations/swearing)
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who nor any of the characters contained within. All rights belong to the BBC. I do inflict humiliation upon my dalek action figures and make them wear silly hats and aprons. So... even more concern than the BBC coming after me... is the Cult of Skaro, an encounter I definitely would not survive.
otahyonifor this chapter. Thank you for dotting my "i's", crossing my "t's", and fixing my fear of commas. <3 Special thanks to
swankkat, who cheered me on through this entire thing! And to MTemplar fic for helping me the majority of the way through this. I couldn't have done this without you.
Summary: The Doctor and Rose on the slow path.
Author's Notes:
Thank you so so so much for those of you who've stuck with me this long. I apologize for taking so long on these last few chapters. They've been written forever but IRL got in the way and kept me from completing the beta work. Thank you for all your encoragement, for reading, and keeping me on my toes. It means so much to have such consistent and loving readers. I never expected it. Thank you for being so patient and enjoy the last part.
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5,
Chapter 6,
Chapter 7,
Chapter 8 ,
Chapter 9 ,
Chapter 10,
Chapter 11,
Chapter 12,
Chapter 13,
Chapter 14 Chapter 15