[At least you guys get a swanky new photo, though, right?] New image from a new set I took yesterday.
OK. I am going to sell some photos. How should I go about it?
I'm Pooling resources, guys!
I'd quite like to just send them out to whoever wants them, and if the person wants
they can acquire the original image for an additional price to have their own print done
in their favourite shop of choice [like for instance if they want a canvas print done,
those things are hella-expensive to do//send out, but if they have a shop locally that
does them, that'd be really convenient for everyone, see?]
So.. would anyone be interested in having my little photos on their wall? I personally don't
keep photos [and instead have lots of empty frames, I'm weird, I know] but I know other
people do, so tell me, and I'll see if I can make it happen.
I've just gone through my entire Flickr renaming and organising it all (I have new photos to
add to there, but for now that will do) So if you're interested, have a look at my Sets,
which are
found here. In fact, have a look regardless, you might find something you
like or think that I should work on to get better at. Stumble about, have fun!
I hope you find something you like there, see you later!