Nov 04, 2011 22:23

 Ok, Something has gone wack with my game. I Originally was using engram's
Default Skintones, but they seem to have disappeared? I can't find the
.package with them in. Anyhow, Because I thought it wasn't there, I
downloaded and put inside my new Defaults, Leh's Skins. But, the faces
were Engram's, with Scalps and Body textures of Leh. Not the best look.
Eyes-wise, however, worked perfectly [I went from Novemberlove's to
An_na's edited Sahara eyes and it worked a treat.]
Being the Savvy Chappy I am, I decided to Take my entire downloads
folder out, after restarting and test. What you see in the image
below is pretty much it. For some reason, the Skins and odd bits
of CC are remaining! What on earth has happened?! All I did was say
that engram skins weren't to my taste and BOOM, the file runs away
to burrow itself inside some hidden area and *this* happens! LOL

Anyway, can anyone give me a hand? I have no idea what's happened to the
Skins or why they're refusing to get gone from my game, especially since I
removed the folder, deleted Cache's and restarted to boot. Am I missing something?


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