"Welcome" post

May 07, 2010 06:54

Hi, my name is Pippin! I live with a lady not much bigger than I am, but who helps me feel safe and loved. She has very fluffy blankets on which I've dutifully deposited large amounts of fur sheddings, and lots of windows to look out of. I think I'm about three years old, but don't remember much about my life before I found my forever home. I let my human sleep on the bed with me at night, which she seems to appreciate.

I like it here, and spend a lot of time snoozing in various places while she types and earns money to buy me yummy treats. We already had our morning walkies (she gets up at 5 a.m., do you believe it??), and I'm getting ready for breakfast. Then there will be more serious snoozing.


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