
Aug 04, 2005 00:43

So, tonight, a strange and rare thing happened. I had what I like to call a "sexy moment." This is the antithesis of the "fat moment" and while much more welcome, alas happens much less frequently, especially when you are on the rag, as I am. I don't know if males get it at all, but it's that moment where you look in the mirror and you suddenly say "Hold it, I'm not gross... As a matter of fact, I look damn good, thankyouverymuch, and I think I could look fantastic if I-"

After this (because of poor impulse control and out of boredom) I promptly went and did what I thought I'd look better as/in. Put on makeup, got on a bra, pulled out/put in my 'secret weapon' (bra inserts to 'add a size') got on a dress and a pair of heels and posed for a bit.

Thank god no one could see me. Not like yesterday when I was alone cooking dinner and got it in my head to start singing "buttercup" (all parts mind you)while hopping around the kitchen doing a sort of swing/spastic hopping dance in/out of time with my off key singing.

But anyhow, the point is more this, I was pleased with what I saw. Which is amazing. And may I say, with a quickly dwindling amount of cockiness that my ass looks damn fine when I've got heels on, and even though it's kinda sorta false advertising, adding some padding to the chest sure balances out my butt.

Now I just need somewhere to get dressed up to go to. Like a play or something.

And I also really need a Rocky fix like woah. Whole nine yards, tophat, corset, gloves, thigh high fishnets, heels, criminally short skirt, insane flamboyant gayboys in assless chaps clutching giant rainbow penis plushies and drag queens with better legs than me. *nods*

::End girliness::
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