Feb 24, 2013 20:34
Wow, this month has flown by although in many ways not fast enough! Thank you for the b'day messages! I am still catching up on my pms and emails ^^;;; So please nudge me again if I haven't replied! I am pretty bad with that >__>;;
It's been hectic month to say the least. Two weeks into the term I had this sharp chest pain followed by a terrible dizzy spell and was sent home from work. My doctor said it was due to me overworking myself. He told me I should rest more. Rest.... what is that strange word? But seriously, there is no time to rest! This year the work is piling on, much thanks to the extra responsibilities I've been given, with no extra pay. What makes it worse is that the person I took over from did not give me all her files. She was very unorganised and said she would post me a USB stick with all the files. The USB never came. So I had to start from scratch! Also, the manager I am working with is so flaky! He is no clear on what he wants and it drives me insane. I really just want to quit this coordinating job. I hate it so much. But my sister asked me if I could do the job. Well, kind of. She also asked me if there was anyone else at work who could take over from me. Well... no. Not at this point. So she convinced me to stick with it for the year and then pass it over for next year. I can also add it to my resume too I guess. But still. It's crap doing a new role when the previous person hasn't left anything behind!
Chinese/Lunar New Year was good. Ate heaps of food as normal. trixie, thank you for the Chinese New Year e-card! <3. My mum pulled my fortune for me. She got me a bad one =o=;;; Although my dad re-did my fortune and got me a good one. Although I do wonder if you can do that!
Work has pretty much consumed my life at the moment. I am trying to find more of a work life balance. It's tricky. At least I don't have kids! Although my poor dog Yuki has been acting up since I haven't been at home with him more lately.
Anyway, nothing more to say other than the joys of work. At least there is only 5 weeks before the next break! Lol. I have been listening to a lot more Super Junior music though. Have a good week ahead! ^^