5th Petal

Jun 29, 2007 15:30

First things first: The show last night was amazing! Oh, it was so exciting to see everyone dressed so nicely, and I wasn't expecting it to be dancing -- I thought it might be something like Loveless, though, I've never seen Loveless. The dancing was beautiful. I can't believe people can move like that~.

I'd never been to a proper show of any kind before! I hope there are more in the future! Maybe you'll take me next time, Cloud~? You need to get out of that room!

Second: Everyone who expressed interest in the picnic yesterday, how about we go to that Beach Party instead? I'll still bring some food, but it's so hot, it seems silly to keep away from water. I found a nice swimsuit at one of the stores around the fountain, so, it's not difficult at all!

I haven't gone swimming since that time in Costa del Sol, with Tifa~. Is it selfish of me to miss her, too?

He's here. But, he doesn't seem to remember any of it. Anything past a point before leaving for Nibelheim. What should I do? Cloud will notice eventually, and... but Cloud said he'd defeated him, then, with all of AVALANCHE. Cloud won't be happy, and he won't even know why.

And he killed me He said Zack used to talk about me! It made me really happy. Five years ago, that's pretty lame, right? He also said Cloud wasn't in SOLDIER, but a wash out. He was one of Zack's "projects". I think now, I understand a little more.

It'd be best to not tell him, right? What he does? I've been thinking of telling him part of it--what the whole world knew, up to a point, back then. It isn't fair to leave him in the dark, but then, some things are better left alone. ...I mean, he doesn't remember, and right now, he's almost... nice.

shows are great!!, that was a lot of fun!, let's go swimming!, cloud cloud cloud cloud, i like dressing up!!, nay picnic yay beach, tra la la la, was i really pretty?, oh dear gaia it's sephiroth, ballet, so very hot, it is very hot today, curse day

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