Application [For Gargleblasted]

Mar 26, 2011 13:39


Name: Lailai
Are you over 16?: Yosh.
Personal LJ:
Timezone: EST.
Other contact: kurokurorabbu
Characters already in the game: N/A
How did you find us?: From a fellow castmate.


Character name: Waka
Fandom: Okami
Timeline: Okami Timeline, Post-Game where he and Amaterasu make for the Celestial Plain Excluding Okamiden because Eshiro is a vague, mysterious bastard sob.
Age: His age isn't truly revealed in canon, but Abe, a Tao Trooper, mentions that Waka is over 200 years old. Mun's headcanon is saying he's about 400.
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: He fails at life.

But seriously, Waka has several special abilities:
  • He has the ability to jump quite high and float down very high distances.
  • High proficiency in swordsplay.
  • Can tell the future, but only a day at most in advance unless it's something very, very important. (Like destined heroes or something like that.)
  • His flute, called Pillowtalk, can be turned into a lightsabre.
  • He can teleport.
  • He has high resiliency, shown when he survives Yami's head-on laser attack.
How would they use their abilities?: Waka uses his fighting abilities mostly in defense. Sometimes, he spars with others. He uses his psychic powers quite liberally, telling the future to others in really dumb interesting ways. Waka usually prophecies when it would benefit another, but his prophecies are so confusing that they are almost useless.


As for appearances, Waka wears a pretty flashy outfit consisting of a helmet with pink wings descending from it, a pink shirt with red pom poms, purple hakama, white obi, and very tall, red geta. Under his helmet, Waka has long blonde hair that falls to his feet. It parts down the middle.

He has been described as beautiful; Issun refers to him as pretty boy several times and the Knowing Jewel even states that nobody is sure if he is even a 'he'.

Okami Wiki

Waka is a Moon Tribesman and one of the few remaining left of that race after an unknown catastrophe wiped most of them out. Fleeing from the barren Moon, Waka arrives on the Celestial Plain. It is implied that sometime earlier, the Moon Tribe gave the Celestials an ark known as the Ark of Yamato under the guise that it was to be a rescue ship. Waka was also under the impression that it was to be a rescue vessel.

After spending some time on the Celestial Plain and befriending Amaterasu and her children, the Plain was struck by Orochi, a fearsome eight-headed dragon. Waka and Amaterasu try to defeat Orochi but to no avail. A special barrier, that only a destined hero can break, impedes all of their blows. Having a prophecy about this, Waka tells Amaterasu and she takes Orochi down with her to the mortal realm. Waka takes all of the Celestials onto the Ark of Yamato in hopes of escaping the ravaged Celestial Plain. Unbeknowst to everyone on board, the Ark was actually a prison ship filled to the brim with demons in its depths. Before Waka can even react, all of the Celestials are devoured by the demons

In a last-ditch effort, Waka crashes the Ark into Laochi Lake in Kamui, hoping to destroy or imprison the demons in its frozen depths. But, as Waka escapes, he realizes that it had not worked. The demons all escape and plague the human world. Waka blames himself greatly for the tragedy that befell both the Celestial Plain and the Mortal Realm. He went to Amaterasu, believing that she would punish him for his perceived failures and instead, she forgives him completely. The fact that she trusts him and showed him kindness despite all that had occurred instilled a lot of respect for her in Waka. He spends the next one hundred years by her side, helping her wait for Nagi, the destined hero. After Amaterasu and Nagi defeat Orochi at the cost of her life, Waka spends another one hundred years preparing for the day she would return, putting into motion all of the events that would occur in the game.

After Amaterasu revives, Waka realizes that she has forgotten her past life and lost much of her strength. He waits for her to regain her memories and strength by subtly guiding her through his prophecies and gauging her strength through sparring. Eventually, they all end up at Kamui where Yami, the Emperor of Darkness is housed. Waka reveals the truth to Amaterasu as they board the Ark and confront Yami: his role in the death of the Celestials and the demons terrorizing the Mortal Realm, his faith in her, and finally, his determination to end Yami at all costs. He ends up taking a devastating attack from Yami and is presumed dead until he arrives at the end of the battle, wounded but alive.

Waka and Amaterasu then head off to the Celestial Plain, hoping to restore it to its former glory.

Personality: Waka is a complicated individual with many facades. On one hand, he is a unrepentant flirt with a penchant for affectionate French terms and teases the heroes relentlessly. On the other hand, he is also a merciless swordsman who is as brutal with his words as he is with his sword techniques.

It would be easiest to start with what the player sees first: Waka, the flashy and mysterious prophet. He likes to make an entrance, often from some previously hidden, high perch. He answers the heroes questions with ambiguity, at best. It's very hard to tell what side he is on as he always seems to have a hidden agenda. He confronts the heroes and confounds them with his at first friendly, lackadaisal attitude, bantering with Issun and making flirty remarks to Amaterasu.

But as both player and the heroes figure out, this guy can also be quite brutal. He's calm, hardly letting his true emotions slip out When Issun makes a comment that questions Waka's actions, Waka only responds with silence. He actively tries to cultivate an air of aloofness with others. He works alone and even the members of his Tao Troopers hardly see him. He is callous to death; much to Issun's chagrin, he hardly reacts to Queen Himimko's death. He even chastises Issun for getting angry with him about it. But, it is implied when Amaterasu talks to the people at the Palace, that Waka did care deeply for Himiko and didn't want to reveal to the others his guilt for her death.

Guilt plays a pivotal role in Waka's character. He often tries to shoulder all the responsibility and is often harsh on himself, even for things that were out of his control. It's also fueled his resolve, making him a determined individual. He will do whatever it takes to both repay Amaterasu's kindness and avenge the slaughtering of the Celestials. While he does try to portray himself as an ambiguous person, Waka is deeply loyal and tries his best to protect others. He believes in resolve and finishing things he's responsible for, even to the point of alienating others.

Despite Waka's somewhat callous nature, he is a friendly, eccentric person who is resolved to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goals.

Why should that character be in this game: For OCs only.

Why do you want to continue their history here: For characters from other games only.

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play:

Have you read up on how the game works?: Yepyepyep. The guide plug-in is the FlamingFerret. You can make money by mooching, missions, or freelancing.

1st person sample:


Voila! It is on! [Waka sits some distance from the communicator, beaming at his potential audience.] Bonjour, mes amis. My name is Waka. I would've liked to have a more formal introduction but I do have some pressing concerns. [And here, Waka makes a close up to the camera.]

Ma cherie, if you are here, I have a very important message. [And then Waka blows a kiss to the communicator. Chuu~ You can pratically see the hearts around him.] Don't let me be without you too long, now that we're reunited! Ha ha ha! ♥

Ah. And to the denizens of Thor, if you could please direct me to a clothing shop? It seems lasers do not agree well with my shirt. Or with anything else on this poor prophet, really.

3rd person sample:

The cherry blossoms wafted down onto the cobbled streets. Sei-An city bustled with the spring air and its liveliness was both reassuring and distant to Waka. He was an observer at heart, being a prophet and all. He did well when he watched and planned and felt fulfilled for many years just doing that. The lives of people wasn't something he involved himself in much, unless it was to further his own goals. It was sometimes out of fear. Humans died so young and so easily. To give his heart to everyone that simply passed him would be too crushing. And people passed him quickly enough, sometimes they did stare at his foreign eyes and flashy clothes but not long enough to see the flute he kept close to his heart under his shirt, the hidden knives, the talismans he prayed to every night.

He passed through the square and onto a lifted platform where the cherry blossoms gathered the most. The young face of Queen Himiko smiled back at him. He did an overly elaborate bow that made her giggle. To his surprise, it made him laugh too. And the two would sit, right by where the water passed underneath. She would crawl into his lap and he would place his hands out before her and cup the falling blossoms in them.

Every year, since the Queen was old enough to walk, he would tell her of how Spring came to remind him of the one he came to care for the most.

"Tell me, Ushiwaka. Tell me the story again!" She smiled up to him, one of the few people who ever called him by his full name. His hair fell like light around her.

"Do you never tire of it, mon petite?" Waka pinches her cheek teasingly.

"No. I love your stories about Amaterasu!" Waka makes a show of considering to refuse her request, tapping his flute on his chin and seeming more interested in the fluttering cherry blossoms. He soon relented when the little Queen began to tug on his helmet in an effort to make him tell the story.

"Alright! Alright!" He laughs and seats her in front of him. "Ah, now how did it start again?"

"Hey! You can't have forgot it!"

"I might have~. I'm a very old man. I forget things easily, mon petite."

"No, you dooon't~!" Finally, feeling he had teased her enough, Waka began his story.

Sometimes, for Waka, it was easier to know only a few. Then, he could devote his whole heart to them.

Questions?: UM. I've played Waka at Mostly Harmless before so I was just wondering, would he be able to keep his memories of being on Thor?

Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yosh.

! application

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