For want of a better start...

Aug 27, 2010 21:55

I suppose this is my introduction to the wonderful world of Livejournal.

Actually, I've been a member of Livejournal for quite a while now, but I have never ever had a personal journal. I am a member of fandom_smash, and so have several character journals from that. But the time has come when I can no longer stand to share a jornal with my pet pup, as she seems to have taken on a life of her own, and quite frankly, there isn't much room for me in it.

Okay, introduction. My name is Rachel, and I'm 20. I hail from a tiny island off the coast of a large lump of land officially, though many people seem to agree that I live mostly in some sort of fantasy land. Consequently, a rather vacant expression is seen on my face rather a lot. I'm not gonna worry about that.

In general, I hate to fit in with the crowd. I am contrary by nature and will contridict just because I try not to go with the flow. Arguements are lost on me. I am always right. Apparently, this is a family trait... it can lead to difficulty when we begin to argue.

I am an English and Roman Civilisation student at the University of Leeds. I absolutely adore reading, and will read absolutely anything, from the ingredients on a bag of crisp to 'War and Peace'. I am a self-confessed SPAG Hag, and more than a little bit nutty. Sarcasm gets me through most days, as I am neither particularly witty or fast.

It has always come as a surprise to me that I am a dancer, but there we go. I dance the University circuit for Ballroom and Latin, and compete with the University Offbeat team too. I am about to take up Jazz and tap, and perhaps study Burlesque dancing on the side. I am also a choreographer (goodness help the poor people who have to follow my instructions) and have taught Latin dancing, as well as Salsa and Merangue. This all sounds rather professional. I am definitely not.

I will probably end up rambling on here. I ramble everywhere else, so I don't see why it won't happen here too. Many people enjoy my long-winded word-vomits, or at least they pretend to. I don't really care what they think privately though. Why worry over stuff you can't change? Anyway, I will probably write about whatever happens to be catching my interest at any particular moment. Just gonna warn you now, it will most probably be rambly.

Well, if you've read all that, I hope you've enjoyed learning all about me, and I hope we can be friends. I like random conversations!
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