
Dec 30, 2008 11:45

New Year's resolutions...

2 years ago my resolution was-To have more and different kinds of sex. Accomplished
1 year ago my resolution was-To sleep more. Accomplished...well...6 months out of the year.
So what's this year's challenge....
I have a couple of of which is let's stay realistic.
My New Year's Resolution-To apply myself, whole heartedly, to my new classes.
I think I can keep that one. But huh, if all goes well that would end in May......
Ok, I know, after school is over-focus on my personal relationships more evenly and make one on one time for each friend sometime in the year.

Yep, I think I can handle that.

So, I want to hear your realistic resolution...not the big life altering ones folks never do, not what you THINK you should be doing, but one small simple thing, one little thing, you can give more energy towards and make yourself a bit more like the person you hope to be someday.

~waits with ears wide open~

new year's resolution. friends, personal development

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