Hey guys! I don't know how many people have read my post before about Davie, but this is a post to beg anyone of you that can help me, to help out.
So, that's a picture of Davie, a cat that has become a frequent site around my apartment recently.
The Background: Davie is a homeless cat that I began to feed about 3 months ago. He is small, he is weak, and he is very in need of food and good nutrition. Eventually he started coming around more and more, sometimes even crying at my apartment door because he wants in so badly. It's gotten me upset, so I finally am trying to do something about it. I'm a poor college student living off of a mixture of scholarships, grants, and my parent’s money each month. I can't afford to help Davie on my own. I am so tired of people saying to me "it's just a cat", but Davie isn't - he really isn't. He is a joy.
What I'm Trying To Do: I'm trying to get Davie healthy again. I want to get him/her sterilized and up to date on all the shot's it needs. I really want to get it to to a vet also to get its hair loss problem checked out and cured. Once I do that, I can bring in to my home. I have 2 cats already, and I can't risk taking Davie in under his/her conditions (incase its contagious). I need the cat to be healthy before I introduce it to my own cats. Eventually I will either keep Davie or find a good home for it - it all depends.
The following is a list from the Humane Society of Tampa Bay and their costs of things that I am going to have to pay for in order to get Davie on the right start. These are the best prices I have found..
Rabies vaccine $10.00
Hillsborough County license $10.00
Spay/neuter $40.00
FVRCP-C Vaccine $10.00
FeLV/FIV Test $15.00
FeLV Vaccine $15.00
Feral/free-roaming $20.00 (I don’t know if I need this or not..?)
Not only those, but I am also going to have to pay for a vet check up (estimated between $40-$70) for the hair loss on it's back and treatment for it as well (depending on what is causing the hair loss, it could get expensive).
All of this comes to an estimated $200+
Please, please, PLEASE! If anyone can give anything to help me out with this cat I would be forever grateful. My heart really goes out to Davie, it's special. It isn't one of those cats that want to be outside and alone... Davie really wants a home, and I need help so he/she can get one.
I am going to spend my entire refund check from USF (left over money from grants and scholarships) to save this cat, but it isn't going to be enough. I get the check on the 20th of October, so I have about 1 month to come up with as much money as I can to get Davie healthy. If I can get 20 people to give just $5, which cuts the cost for me down to 50% of what the total estimated cost is. Better yet, if I could get 20 people to donate $10 each I could buy it extra things such as cat food and litter, because I do already have 2 cats.
If you can't give, I understand. But, if you can, please give something, anything is better than nothing.Thanks again guys!
<3 Amber
*I would appreciate it if you guys could spread the word about this. I have posted this in many journals, so I am just praying for everyone to give a little bit, just a little to save Davie...