OOC: Lunatic Red Eyes Information Request Post

Nov 14, 2019 16:58

Reisen has Lunatic Red Eyes. What does this mean to you? She can tell how sane (or not sane) you are by reading your wavelengths.

Obviously, she can't read everything. She can read the wavelengths of most sentient beings. Magical beings can be read, but robots are sketchy so I'll leave it up to you.

What I need from you, members of Netherworld_RPG, is a rating of your character's/characters' sanity level. If you believe that your character can not be read, then please say so and provide a reason. If your character was in Phantasmagoria of Flower View, then you have no excuse to say you can't be read.

I would request that you rate your character's sanity on a scale of 1-100. 1 means that you are a lethargic lazy butt who won't do anything, and 100 means that you're an insane gibbering mess that can't do much of anything. 50 is a perfect sanity level, though most people wouldn't rank at perfect sanity.

This by no means indicates you're stuck at any particular level all the time. Stress (or not stress) can raise or reduce your sanity level. This is just a guideline for when Reisen meets you under normal circumstances.

Lastly, if you want to, add in permission if you want to let Reisen muck around with your wavelengths (This basically means changing your sanity level). She won't be using that aspect of her power much (if at all), but it'd be nice to be able to just use it if she ever needs to.

I'd also appreciate it if the mods could post up the sanity ratings for the NPCs as well.

information entry, should have made this earlier, information request

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