I do love my new little user pic for this post.
It seems that the past 4 days of weakness and general crappy feeling is being caused by a very persistent cold/flu that has been silently crawling it's way through my body's Great Wall of White Blood Cells. Today I was awoken by one severely clogged nostril and a chestful of unmentionables, and the ever-present 'weak feeling', which I hate. I'm not used to getting sick; the last time I remember getting sick was about 4 years ago, then quite suddenly, I got the flu for about a week a few months back. And it appears I am fighting the same flu once again. Little does it know that I have special tactics to thwart its evil reign; a vile of orange liquid, orange pills, oranges, a bottle of vitamins, the purified seas of Neptune-fina, and a bed. Take that, antigenic shift of influenza B...
I had promised myself yesterday that I'd make an effort to workout at home today, but if this whole 'I-can't move without the strength of gods' thing keeps up, prolly won't happen, which is really putting a damper on my workout parade.(Blah, blah, blah, complaining. It's annoying for me, too, just so ya know.) My gym membership should be cancelling any day now, so I'm not going to schlepp myself on two bus rides with high hopes of cycling class, sauna, and jacuzzi, and I can't get in because my membership no longer exists. C;est la fucking vie, I guess. I'll blitz my body with every medicinal and natural treatment I have available today, take some Nyquil early tonight, and sleep for 8-10 hours. Tomorrow shall be a new day, and hopefully, a better immune system.
Might write again later today, might not. For now, I must feed and rest.
Random picture of the day :