May 21, 2004 20:56
this is the SEVENTH time i tried to update my computer.
okay, now i shall start all over.
kai's early b-day party was a blast! we didn't go up to durango to raft on that river. instead, we went to the dolores river and docked at rico. boy, the rapids were AWESOME. everything was, except when kai started being bitchy. i swear, she kept thinking she was in charge of things. everytime i would stop paddling for a while, she would start yelling her ass off at me saying, "who told you, you could stop paddling?" and i was like, for crying out loud, i'm taking a break but i guess she doesn't know the meaning of it. okay for starters, it was just me and her in her boat and i was in the front and when you're in the front you do most of the paddling and if you're in the back you just steer and not do as much paddling as the person in front of you, so what the hell was she complaining about?!
like there was this one time where we were hitting the rapids and i started whooping and screaming... just plain having fun right? well, kai starts getting all high and mighty saying that i should pay more attention to paddling than whooping or we'll tip over. sheesh, i was just having fun and you're fuckin freaking out. just chill, but nope.. kai wouldn't.
anyway, enough about that crap.
so after rafting, we went back to her house and changed into dry clothes... i was soaking wet!! we just chilled out and talked.. then the pizza arrived and we gobbled it up like no tomorrow lol. then kai wanted to open presents and believe it or not, but i was the only one who gave her presents out of all her friends! thats just insane, but kai was so happy for what i got her.
i made her this dark blue and purple ribbon lei and i got her a chinese zodiac year of the snake symbol necklace, a dangley beaded blue earrings, a black veil like scarf, a paint dish, a cute assortment of soap, and a purse that you tie around your hip.
hehe kai kept hugging me about the presents that i almost had to lock myself up in her room to avoid her lol.
i got my violin that my mom ordered online a couple days ago!! and lol, i just learned my first new song on it today from this tutorial dvd that my mom also ordered online. the song is called, "oh claire de lagoon". lol, i suck though. i need to tune the strings, but i'm going to wait till my lesson with mrs. bran next tuesday. i'll just let her do it hehe.
okay, this is kinda getting long so i'm gonna go. bye bye!