Guh. I just finished
unwing's birthday present story. It's just over eight thousand words. It hijacked me. I've been trying to finish it and type it up all day (literally, that's all I've done today). And now all that needs to be done is the editing. Thank effing God. Guess what that means, Val and Elaina and Paula? *grins* Haha. I love you guys, really, I do. I don't know what I'd do without you.
It’s raining. Raining and raining and rainingrainingraining. It started raining three days ago, which everyone expected and mostly ignored. The Marauders threw handfuls of mud at each other until one of them splattered onto Professor McGonagall’s face. Peeves made sure that the corridor floors remained slippery and wet. Nothing more than routine.
What’s more than routine and highly unexpected is that, in the three days since the rain has started, it hasn’t stopped, not even paused. It’s still raining and, having been banned from mud and all things outdoorsy at the present, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew have nothing to do. This is a dangerous thing and an obvious thing, something that is generally avoided if it can be helped.
Yup. That's all I'm going to post right now. Muh ah ha. No, I'm not giving the name of the OFC with which Sirius is going to be paired. It'll spoil the specialness, Fiki. ♥
And yes, Everybody Else: I wrote a Sirius/OFC story. *le gasp*