2009 GOODBYE HELLO 2010!!

Dec 31, 2009 23:43

09 pretty much was not so great. It wasn't a good time for either economy, celebrities, cops and businesses going out of business. Oh and Layoffs happened too.

Seriously, I am glad to see this year go, and it will be in 30 mins.
There were some great points in 09 for me, like meeting new friends, new cosplays, new car, new job at nordstrom, that I can think of so far.

Yes I bet your thinking "why are you at home typing this, you should be out partying!" I just didn't want to deal with the partying morons out and about and driving in traffic.
I got a make over just in case I do go out, but I'm feeling pretty and relaxing at home XD lol

Anyway 09 will be leaving in 25 mins now, THANK GOD! I cannot wait to start the new year now!

Since the new year is coming here are what I want to keep to.

1: Working out alot more than just from doing stock at work

2: Spending LESS money on things I don't need or shouldn't get. (I just did that for the last time today lol new wallet and new eyeshadow)

3: Make sure that I plan out my cosplay making times better, so that I'm not freaking myself out close to con.

4: Keeping the house clean, and making sure that we keep it clean once a week.
(we have been really bad about this)

5: Make it a point to get rid of things I don't need or forgotten about. Either sell them on Ebay, sell them to my friends or donate them. I also need to sell off my costume jewlery that I been meaning to do for 2 years :P

6:Eat healthier!

7: hang out with my friends alot more, 09 I hung out but it was in spurts due to cosplays and working a crap schedule at my old job.

8: To go to bed earlier on the days I work, so I am not so damn tired the next day.

9: Make commisions if they are not to complex.

10: Save money! Plus to pay off my bills aka credit card and Doctor bills

11: To start drawing again and also taking more photos.

That is so far what I have to work on this year :)

I know that 2010 will be a way better year and will kick ass!


resolutions, 2009 sucked!, new years 2010

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