Hello all and sundry. I just wanted to tell you all that my
hd_worldcup fic was finished and turned in. Yes, it was over a week ago that I got it in, but it is still news. I am excited to read all the lovely fics from everyone. All I have to do is sit back and wait.
Now, what did I do after I finished by fic? I wend to Disney Land, of course.
It was great. Even though I got sunburned, I developed the worst headache ever as a result. I rode all the rides that I could regardless, because I am stubborn and wanted to get my money's worth.
Then I went off to Universal Studios the next day; sunblock included. And I enjoyed it even more, even if it is not The Happiest Place on Earth.
Anyway, I brought back some postcards and would like to offer them up to anybody who would like one (a la
enchanted-jae). I have twelve so the first 12 people to comment with their addresses (yes, comments will be screened) will get one. Do not worry if you live all the way in France or Egypt, I will send you one too!