Oct 22, 2007 13:44
I'm pissed. Know why? Cause apparently your not considered independent until you are 24 according to the FAFSA requirements. So I still have to list my dad even though he gives me absolutely no money. I pay my rent, my car, food, gas, clothes, concert tickets, booze. I wake myself up at 2 am to go to work, I get my uniform dry cleaned and pressed.....how am I not independent? So this means I probably wont get any finacial help for school. So I wont be able to take all the credits I wanted to this spring. Damn it all hell. I just wanna sing!
On that note, I found the 'Type O Negative' CD I've been looking for. The lead singer is kind of odd looking but still sexy as hell. Its the deep dark melodic vocals. It just makes him yummy.
ps. your independent if: you are 24, have children, are married or a dependent of the state. So I guess I need to have a baby real quick. And nevermind the fact that if you look around where I live most people my age with babies are still living with mommy and not paying a cent. They are already living off the state through welfare.
type o negative- black no. 1