i don't update

Nov 01, 2005 08:43

i attended my first steeler game at heinz field last night. my seat was right on the 50-yard line in the lower level...fucking fantastic. for some reason the steelers decided to suck balls and win by 1 point, but i'll take an ugly win over a loss any day. thanks to the lovely crisbee for the ride.

in other news, i have my car back. it runs. no airbags though. i guess the plan is to wait until the transmission dies entirely and then junk it. that and hope i don't hit anything else...

7 Things I Want To Do Before I Die:

1. get a dog
2. become a rockstar porn director
3. win jeopardy
4. get my tattoos
5. move somewhere warm
6. learn to cook
7. smash the state

7 Things I Cannot Do:

1. cook
2. ice skate backwards
3. keep my mouth shut
4. sing
5. knit
6. update my lj
7. drive, evidently

7 Things That Attract Me to the Opposite Sex:

1. brilliance
2. hilarity
3. enthusiasm in the sack
4. sense of adventure
5. full lips
6. a nice ass
7. left-wing leanings

7 Things I Say Most Often:

1. fuck
2. balls
3. dood
4. christ
6. excellent
7. evidently

7 Celebrity Crushes:

1. jon stewart
2. angelina
3. jason bateman
4. scarlett johansson
5. johnny depp
6. clea duvall
7. goran visnjic

7 People I Want To Do This:

1. aboleth
2. evo11ove
3. maradeath
4. mindaphid
5. whiskeyblood
6. cutups
7. crisbee


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