Title: The Muggle Cafe (18/?)
Author: Me. a.k.a.
mugglerockWarning(s): Something that resembles angst.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: H/D
Category: Domestidrabble with a touch of angst and silliness.
Disclaimer: Why, yes! I do happen to own Harry Potter. I also own Disneyland, the Marlboro cigarette company, Playboy, and Big Ben. *relents* Not mine, no money, no
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Parvati could be charged with theft of a personal possession (Harry's sperm) and rape (Harry).
Ooooo there's a nasty thought...Make her go through with the whole pregnancy, Harry pretends to get along with her...and then WHAMO!! Sue her for full custody of the kid.
I smell plot bunnies!
But don't take my word for it lol, I'm not writing this story. :)
I can't remember how that turned out...
I now deeply desire to try this on my boyfriend.
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