Aug 28, 2004 12:34
So I posted last night about seeing Hero. This morning, I'm still in awe. I don't think I can stress to you all how much this movie needs to be seen. It is so beautiful that if my brain had a mouth, it would have been hanging open from the start. The cinematography is inspired, the story is pure poetry and visually...I was literally shaking, it was so beautiful. The score is something you'll want to rush out and buy immediately. My God, I'm not even a big martial arts fan, Jet Li's movies have never done much for me, but it's all interwoven so wonderfully. The fight scenes are so poetic in themselves that you forget that they're fighting, they might be dancing. Did I mention the cinematography? And the story? My God, just go see it. If it doesn't win some awards at the Oscars next year, then something is very wrong. Not since The Matrix have I felt such a sense of awe upon leaving a movie theatre.
It might have helped that I saw it at the Arclight Theater, which is hands-down the most brilliant theatre in the universe. Screens that wrap around you, big squishy seats, a sound system from heaven, a restaurant, bar, shops and galleries. No wonder they say if you go there, you'll never want to see a film anywhere else.
Go see it. Now.
...Still there?
...Stop reading and GO dammit.