Pet Peeves

Mar 14, 2005 23:00

Now, I'm not one to complain, really. If you know me, think about that. I may vent, but I try not to complain or whine. That's why, when things annoy me, it really annoys me. And today, there's things that are really annoying me.

Unreturned phone calls. Just in general, that's rude. Especially if you've gotten the message & it's in regards to something that has a time frame. That's just rude.

Lack of follow through. Don't say you're going to do something to help me, or some facimile thereof, then totally not. Or make plans & then forget. Just don't make the plans.

IM response time. If you don't want to IM with me, don't start a convo. If I'm talking to you, especially if I'm at work, either carry your half of the conversation or tell me you can't chat. I hate saying something & then 10 minutes later, after closing the window, you reply. I have honestly forgotten what we were talking about.

Talking during movies. OMG. These kids in my class need to shut th eff up. Not everyone loves a classic movie, but if you're going to talk through it, at least whisper. Same goes for your cell phones, if you're going to play with it turn the keypad tones off & do not let me see that glowing light so help me God.

Leftovers. I eat that for lunch. If you throw it away, you've thrown away my lunch. It's even worse when I don't find out till I'm home to get it, all ready to eat it, can practically taste it, only to find, it is gone. It's even worse whith certain designated leftovers, like cheeseburger macaroni. The only thing worse, is walking in on someone eating your leftovers, completely oblivious to what they've done.

Cockiness. A certain amount is okay. But don't think your shit doesn't stink cause I got news for you. Unless you're eating perfume, it certainly does.

Passing the Buck. And I'm not talking Luke & Angela. Take responsibility. I do. It sucks, but you gotta admit it. It's better for you inthe long run.

Ego. The world does not revolve around you. Everyone is not against you. There are not bleachers filled with spectators watching & waiting for your next move.

Trying to be something you're not. Just stop.

Oh oh OH! Here's the biggest. We're on the phone. You're not alone. We're talking, you start to say something to the other person you're in the room with, while I'm still talking, come back to me, and interupt what I'm saying with something that is completely different. If you don't want to talk, 1) don't call or 2) SAY SO. It's one thing if it has to do with our conversation. But come on. Seriously. Don't waste mine or your minutes.

People who complain. You know who you are. So shut the hell up.

I miss my sister more some days than others. That is all.
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