And now, back to reality

Feb 19, 2005 13:53

Okay, here's the "real" update that I promised.

I have a new job! I will have my own office at the studio with sales, my new department. I am taking over for the Foreign Sales Coordinator, while learning all that Diane does, how to use the various items Diane uses, etc, to take over for her when she leaves in May. I'm really excited. I'm going to be paid more money- how much exactly we don't know yet, but it'll be an improvement to what I get now. So much so, that my goal of getting a place of my own by this year, looks way more likely. I spent the last two days working with Craig on putting together sales orders, getting items I need to ship by next week, learning the ropes of what I have to do.

The thing is, Craig loved Matt, so it's hard for him having Matt gone, plus he had no idea what all Matt had to do to get things. He'd say, "Matt, we gotta gett his order shipped to Australia" boom, he'd do it. I have no idea what I need to do to get an order there, nor does Craig. So we are learning together. Diane told me that he's already come to rely on me to get things done around the office, & I haven't let him down yet.

That's not the good thing though. The good thing about all this, is that I'm really happy. I'm excited, nervous, stressed, but through it all, I'm happy. Janet came over to me yesterday at one piont & told me that I'm very efficient & effective. I thought that she was being sarcastic, but she wasn't. She said that she was impressed with how much work I've been doing & how quickly I'm picking up on things. Craig then said that he couldn't have made it through the last two days without me, & how he's thrilled to be a part of his team. He showed my the letter that he wrote for HR regarding my salary, I got a little teary & had to hug him. It feel good to be needed like that. He said thank you when I got something done for him. THANK YOU. I have said it before & I'll say it again: Thank You is hardly said around there. I hate that. I say thank you even if you don't have an answer for me. I may say it as I'm leaving your office & out in the hall, but I'll say it. It feels good & makes things better.

I was laughing when he was on the phone with Monica, she had called over to see when she could "have me back" & he fought man. He does not want to wait for me to be his. Which makes sense, I took the job, she knew I was leaving, but you know. I'm trying to get the stuff that I started last week done. I don't want to start scanning anything new, anything, mostly cause it would leave a project half started when I leave & that sucks. It's better to have a clear starting point.

So, long story short. I'm excited to be going into a new position. Everyone's been really great & helpful whenever they can. And even though I feel like I'm not getting anything done, when I stop & look over it, I got way more done than I realize. Imagine what I can get done when I know what I'm doing!!

Vegas is next week-- woop woop! I am so excited to be going with Angela, Luke & Adam. I mean, really, I can't WAIT!! I hope that I get my tax return by then. I hope I hope I hope! I already got my state return, the big one should be close behind. *fingers crossed* Hopefully the rain goes away & doesn't come back till... March 5th. Yeah. That'd be okay by me. And now, I am off to catch up on shows that I have missed over the week before getting dressed (that's right I said it, getting dressed- I've still got jammies on & it's 2pm! I did shower already though.) & heading over to Angela's. Woo wooo boxing. Who knows what else. Good times!!

Cheers! Ben Dover
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