Feb 02, 2005 10:14
let me start by saying this:
today i witnessed what i think was one of the rudest things i have ever seen. (so im dramatic, leave me alone)...anyways. i walk out of my apartment, taking caution to not drop my cupcake as i was maneuvering my way around the ice patches, and what do i see? WHAT DO I SEE? (haha that was for brooks...) well i see those annoying united apartment parking lot police guys in their annoying united apartment truck that they drive that makes them feel special, slapping those annoying stickers that say "yada yada yada blah blah blah THIS IS A PROMISE" on peoples cars. not just one, mind you. but i walked out just as they were ever not-so-gently placing three on one car. three stickers that dont come off without razorblading your car to its untimely death. two on the windshield and one on the drivers side window. it made me so sad for the cute boy that owns the car (ok, i dont know that hes cute...but i figure that he is) that i wanted to throw myself onto the hood of his car and, since i dont carry a razor blade with me (because im not a freak), start gnawing the stickers off for him. then i remembered that i had to work. too bad though. just cause my week blows doesnt mean anyone elses has to. poor kid. laura will make him feel better, im sure.
the idea of a voodoo doll boggles my mind. how could, say, hammering a nail into some dolls heart make a real person hurt? i dont buy it. i think real people hurt other real people enough on their own that voodoo dolls are unnecessary. however, i cant honestly say that i have never wanted to test this voodoo doll idea. maybe that makes me a bad person...well deal with it. i am reminded of a time in high school (we'll say 10th grade) when i was on the phone with heidi (yes, cause we would leave school and then talk on the phone for hours. about judson. and reilly o toole. hot dang.)...dang it i hate when i go off on stupid tangents and then i am left unable to finish a single thought. i wonder how people are friends with me. i cant properly communicate. heidi bought a mini 'voodoo doll in a box" thing. probably from borders. she tells me about it. we sit, devising a plan on how we are going to discreetly cut a chunk of hair from a certain persons head to use on this doll in a box thing. cut to heidis mom coming in her room. cut to emily, on the other end of the phone, listening to mrs demers yell at heidi for "having the work of the devil" in her home. this also reminds me of jenny hedges reading tarot cards at morgans house. cut to mrs evans yelling at jenny for "having the work of the devil" in her home. cut to jenny pitching a spaz and assuring mrs. evans that the "devil is not in the cards." cut to mrs. evans running to get christophers x-rays of his hips to show us. im not kidding, that was the sequence of events and to this day, i still dont get it. tarot cards. x rays. cut to emily wandering around the evans house with rambo the insanely fat cat, but surprisingly the only normal living, breathing thing in that house that night. anyways, my point was that people can hurt people so easily on their own, dont go relying on a doll to help. tap into your "hurting" side and let loose. apparently its fun.
i made a new friend this weekend. first name boons. last name farm.
i decided that i will carry a dead bunch of flowers at my wedding. my bridesmaids will be holding black roses. and their hands will be on fire, for the special effect portion of the ceremony.
and i will end by saying this:
if someone doesnt give me a good, logical, and fool proof method to adopting the 'out of sight, out of mind' theory...i will voodoo doll you. all of you. thats another thing that boggles my mind. maybe this is what i need to do: voodoo doll myself. yep. i will get an emily doll (and she will be SMOKIN' HOTT.) and i will fail to sew the eyes on her beautiful face. then i will fail to give her a head. no head, no eyes...perfection.