thank you, thank you, I won a reward.

Sep 20, 2005 13:11

Dang kids, it's been awhile.

True stories from the past two months:

--I was interviewed by a delightful and polite young journalist for the CM Life. He asked me a series of questions, and then asked for my feelings on the CMU Promise that Mike Rao and so many others are just so excited about. I answered his questions truthfully and I gave this short interview my all. The best of Emily Hoste. However, upon reading my quote in the paper, I realized that this young journalist is neither a) delightful nor b) polite. In fact, he is rather rude, as he quoted me all wrong, decided that I was a junior, not a senior, and then published the picture of me in which he stuck the camera pretty much on my face, causing me to look all "alsdhgadhfg" in the paper. He did find it acceptable to get my hometown correct, though. Good thing, too -- otherwise I would have been all up in his grill. Bitches.

--I am still living below poverty level. It's a fulfilling existance, really, and I just found out that I am eligible for food stamps. And! I found out that the new food stamps are really in debit card form, so holders of these "stamps" can buy food and still be considered attractive. As I clearly have no problem being thought of as "attractive" and I feel that I am getting by eating tortillas and pasta, I decided to pass on these magical debit cards.

--I aquired one of them there "boyfriends". He is in search of a sugarmama. Applications can be sent to me, as I will review them and pick an appropriate, wealthy "mama" for him. Applicants must be: rich. a car owner. freakishly unattractive. PS: Don't you even think that due to the fact that I am "happy" and "with boyfriend" that this is the end of my angry, couple bashing, "love is for the weak" journal entries. Because it isn't.

--I do still look like a freshman. So for fun, the first week of school, I would randomly pull out my campus map, proceed to look around all confused-like, and then ask where An-spach was as I was very clearly standing in front of it. Too bad that is not a true would be funny.

--People still annoy me. More specifically, everyone still annoys me.
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