Title: Warm Bed (Ichi-ishi Xmas contest entry)
Prompts: Romance and Cold Weather
Author: Perverted Priestess 69
Pairing: Ichi/Ishi
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Contemplation, Romance and mention of "Daddy Issues"
Summary: Ishida contemplates why he's with Ichigo.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the masterpiece that is Bleach but if I did, every1 would be paired up! ^___^ Bleach belongs to my homeboy Kubo Tite! All characters depicted in sexual situations in this post/fanfiction/fanart (including material in the comments) are fictional and are intended to be and considered to be by the author of said material of the legal age of consent in the United States, States of California and Illinois, regardless of what age these characters may be in the material they are derived from.
Uryu never thought that he needed anything or anyone, but Ichigo changed all that. The strawberry went from being a classmate, to a thorn in his side, to comrade, to a friend and lover. He never saw it coming, it was like he was blindsided by what they had. Sometimes, when he studied their relationship with Ichigo he was in awe. He didn't know how, when, or where it happened that things changed so drastically. Ichigo had come into his life and turned it completely upside down then, made him adore him for it. So many things about them being together defied what Ishida even thought his life would be like. He learned never to say never about anything and now he laid in their bed tangled in arms and legs, sweat running from everywhere and soft hair nuzzling against his neck affectionately as if a kitten found it's way into his bed. He was laying in bed with a person (a man no less) he couldn't fathom his life without. It's like he almost couldn't remember what his life was like before now, before Ichigo's lips found his, before Ichigo's body began piercing his. The redhead would tell him secrets and things that would make his body quiver and twitch and his lips start to curl at the edges at his very seductive notions. Yes, he was indeed in love. It seems that he has ascended to that maturity of realization that at one time in his life did not even exist.
This warm bed was a haven of sorts for the two body's that lived there. For the souls that once wandered through pains of life. Loss of mothers, sins of fathers, war, the loss of friends and almost the loss of theirselves. Together in this warm bed he knew everything they truly shared was unselfish, it was raw and true. It was times like this, quiet ones that he felt like dying just because the moment was all his. It was perfect. He had found someone to love him. He had found someone to love. The tortures of the cold and crude world outside were obsolete and archaic to him. He said to himself '"Damn, and all this time I thought it was all Ichigo! When it was love that changed us. Love changed... me."
A/N: Ok, today I REALLY fixed the typos (thanks to
annieroo2 ) and found a couple more to be fixed myself as well, hopefully not making new ones. Good lookin' out girl! But still if you see some more point them out like the monkey in Chris' closet. Enjoy this! It was fun to write! Way Kawaii! Ichi-ishi I 've read thus far always for the most part voices Ichigo's P.O.V. It's nice to walk around in my favorite Quincey's head now and again! He's so QUTE! Yay Uyru! *Showers w/ hugs and kisses!*