Series: The BLEACH Reality Series Gaiden (Revised)
Title: Obsidian Heart
Author: Perverted Priestess 69
Pairing: Grimmjow Jaggerjacques/Tia Halibel
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Before Mina became a part of Grimmjow’s world; his life was hard to live. Even more difficult than that, was it to attain love in a place as desolate as Hueco Mundo, but the lonely heart searches nonetheless. Is this an admirable cause or is this desperate insanity to think love is possible?
Vocabulary: Vaste Lordes: (pronounced Vasta Lourdes) The strongest form of Menos Grande type hollows (class of Evil, spirit or Demon) and are considered hardest to defeat. They only consume other Vaste Lordes.
Adjuncas: (pronounced Ah-Hoon-Chas) The second strong form in terms of the Menos Grande. They are take on the look of a large white, wide pin-striped leopard. Also consumes other Adjuncas and lower spirits.
Obsidian: A jet black volcanic glass, very similar chemically to granite and in it’s strength. Made from the rapid cooling of lava.
Foreword: I was heavily inspired in writing this by Bjork’s Joga (Google it. It should show you a hit for something on Youtube!). And if you know her work you know how easy it is for her music to pull emotions out of you. I feel Grimmkitty feels that he’d like to have these feelings with someone and believes he may never find it. Listen to the song if you’ve never heard it and judge the situation for your self.
I look at a lotta the woman ‘round here and I wonder, what could I possibly see in them. Most of them are truly bitches, that tend to be as bombastic as mosta the men. The feminine mystique gone cocky and ran rampant with overt sex appeal. Now, don’t get it twisted they’re good for a good fuck but what’s left when the body’s done what it can? Nothin‘. There’s not a fuckin’ thing they can satisfy me with outside of that.
I thought for a while that when Aizen took over Karakura Town and detained the healer Orihime, perhaps there was something’ she would share with me. And she did, she healed me. She gave me my arm and my 6 back and I was whole again. She knew that not being 6 was warrin’ on me. We’d talked about it. The girl was generous and deeper than any woman I’d encountered here or in the real world. But there would be nothin’ for us as her eyes were turned on fuckin’ Ulquiorra already. Tch, that prick! So, there was nothing’ to come from there.
It’s funny the things we’ll search for in the middle of fuckin’ nowhere: signs of life, signs of anything new and emprisin‘, signs that difference can bring someone closer to another… signs of love. So far I’ve found none of that, just fuckin’ sand as far as the eye could see. Now, I didn’t say all the women of Hueco Mundo were worthless but the really good ones were already taken. Stalk had a gorgeous mate in Sun-Sun. She was like him, a less is more type of woman. She only believed in movement when necessary. She only believed in speaking when things were important enough to be said. Sun-Sun was one of the better women here. She’s so much like her superior. So much like Halibel, that I don’t know how they weren’t sisters. Then again, maybe I was just being an a dumbass again.
Halibel the only woman Espada at the moment and my compatriot, was so many things that I can’t even fuckin’ begin to tell! She was a badass on the battlefield and a sure force to be reckoned with. I’ve seen her take down a Vaste Lord… on her own. Now, to me that’s fuckin’ sexy as shit! She’s brawn, brains and fuckin’ beauty wrapped into one neat little un-fuckin‘-believable package. This is a woman of many things but I can’t seem to get next to her. I don’t know what it is. She recluse, in a way that makes her hard to touch. I know there’s somethin’ there but she wouldn’t be interested in someone like me. Still there’s somethin’ about those shinin’ jade green eyes that cuts into me and makes me bleed. Somethin’ about her that makes me want to find her, to touch her.
We both stood under the hot moon, the only one we’d ever known. She watched me warily as we stood side by side on a hot deposit of obsidian.
“Grimmjow what is it you want?” She asked me with folded arms as wild green jade flashed in the moonlight, her hair floated on the warm night breeze.
“Halibel, I’d like some time with you.” I said and I said it like that on purpose. I wanted to know who it was I was talkin’ to so, I tried my hand.
“What exactly do you mean by this? Clarify.” She asked turning those eyes on me. Heh, smart and demandin‘…
“Shit, it’s easy Halibel. I find you attractive. I find you interestin‘. I want to get to know you better. You’re tough and I’m an asshole so, I think you can handle that part of my personality!” I said moving closer to her on the dark glass rock.
She eyed me sternly over the high collar of her coat a few moments before she answered. I was standin’ so close, it would’ve been easy to kill me, it would have also been just as easy to kiss me. In her mind I’m sure she weighed and measured both these thoughts before puttin’ them away. She thought long to make me wait, and my closeness to her made for no threat I could tell. It’s to be expected of the Tercera Espada.
“Heh! Interesting. You seek me like you seek the others? Only worthy of fucking but nothing more?” She questioned turning her eyes back on the dunes.
I sighed and sucked my teeth. I could be full of shit but, I was honest about how I felt about them. The fucked up part is she wasn’t a part of that group. She wasn’t getting’ that I thought way fuckin’ more of her than any of them.
“Look, it ain’t like that! I sought you out. Most of them, no, all of them seek me out. I think about you. I don’t give them a thought once there out of my sight! My point is this, I really wanna get to know you. Providing that you’ll play nice with a prick like myself!” I went off. She nodded and I swore, I actually got a laugh out of her!
“I’m glad that you sought me out. I’d be lying, if I said I had no interest in you, as well. I am a difficult person Grimmjow, even more so that you know. I can be hard, demanding, cold and cruel. I don’t fair well with many others outside of Stark, my fraccion and a select other few. It will be hard for you to get to know me but if you are willing to try… then, so am I.” She informed me with a smile hinting in her dark tone.
We turned and faced each other. Who knew that behind those beautiful eyes lied someone I’d love so much…
“You can call me Tia.”
And who’d ultimately curse me in return.
It was so good having her riding my dick again. Her pussy was by far the best to have encountered in Hueco Mundo. But she’s riding me vindictively, she’s pissed off because it was never discussed our exclusivity. She’s happened upon me with not one, not two but three different women. She told me that she was cold but I didn’t think it translated like this! Angry sex was some good fuckin’, hands down and havin’ her pretty pussy sitting in my lap would never cease to interest me, angry or otherwise.
She explained it to me, they don’t like her, so they were going to ride my dick out of spite and rub the shit in her face. It worked well for me but… I really wasn’t thinking’ about how it was going to hurt her and despite my being an asshole, I didn’t want to be that to her.
She was out of breath clampin’ down on me and pullin’ all types of growls out of me. I began to bare my fangs as she moved on top of me. I popped her jacket open exposin’ her dominant mask covering and converging over two of the most gorgeous tits I’ve ever had the pleasure of lickin‘. She moved like a goddess on top of me demandin’ everything with her beautiful sex.
My hands went back to graspin’ onto her thick, soft, gyratin’ hips, nails diggin’ into her flesh and making her grunt at the piercin’ pain. She too her fingers and ran them aptly around the rim of my hole intensifyin’ the pleasure so much more. She kept watching me, piercing me with her stern eyes, when she spoke.
“Grimmjow, Do you like my pussy?” She moaned.
“FUCK YEAH BABY!” I grunted in a smirk, gripping her hips hard enough that my nails made them bleed as I watched us connecting between our flesh over and over again. Her eyes flutter at the smell of her own blood.
“Do you want to keep putting your dick inside me?”
A question I wasn’t ready to hear or answer at a time like this. It was her attempt at talking to me about serious shit. I pretended like I didn’t hear her and fuck, was that the wrong fuckin’ thing to do. She gripped the inside of my hole digging her nails into the sensitive dark flesh there.
“OW! FUCK TIA!” I roared.
“Fucking answer me… Now Grimmjow!” She commanded me in a dark tone like I was one of her fraccion.
“Yes! Yes! I want to keep fuckin’ you! Ahh shit, Tia!” I answered to the slicin’ segments of pain and pleasure I was experiencin’ at the same time.
“Mmmhmm, are you sure about that?” She asked in a soft tone and with a raised brow as she watched me, at the point I was about at my peak.
“Yeah, I’m sure Tee! Fuck girl!” I was at the tipping point of cummin‘.
“Well, maybe your dick wouldn’t be so hard to get up for me, if you kept it away from those worthless cunts!” She said just in time enough to ruin the best session, I‘d ever had with her or anyone else for that matter.
She stood up off my lap and eyed me scornfully, my ruined juices and sweat lingered down her inner thighs. She stood over me with this got’damned look of utter contempt. She cleaned herself as she grabbed her hakama from wherever they had last fell and began puttin’ them on. At this point, I was panting hard and slouched into my couch, my dick was limp and I was UN-FUCKIN‘-HAPPY!
She crouched done over me, not makin’ a sound. She caressed my dick, not gettin’ the right response as it fell limp once more against my stomach and hole. She popped it with her middle finger and thumb.
“Hmph, look… it’s limp again, already!” She mocked as she walked out shakin’ her head I scowled and growled as I watched her leave. “It’s a shame you never truly had what it took to satisfy me!” I heard in a quiet comment as she exited the quarters.
Tia left me there a fuckin’ mess; wounded pride and lickin’ at my various injuries.
“Fuck… what a cruel bitch!”
Let Loose
It’s come to this. We’ve been able to rectify a friendship but we can’t be together. Really, Stalk and Sun-Sun have turned into a buffer between us. Havin’ seen the relationship tank caused an intensity to build between them as well. Somehow, they managed to survive what even we couldn’t.
The truth of the matter was, we aren’t good for each other. I’m pretty fuckin’ sure our relationship if we kept it up would have ended in the death of one or both of us. We both have too much pride. Her too much pride to keep going on and me too much to stop. Now, our whole relationship is of a quiet nature.
Where I could get loud with those bastards Aizen, Ulquoirra, Tousen and all the rest, I just couldn’t go there with her. Tee was passive aggressive and meant to be left alone. She never showed a feeling that I could truly fight and I can truly say I’ve never regretted anythin’ more in my life. I couldn’t even get those beautiful eyes to look at me any more, not once without a official order from Aizen connected to them. Sometimes, even an asshole knows when they’ve gone too far. I’ve become like those I hated.
Standing here again, back in this place where we first began, lookin’ out over the dunes, feelin’ that same warm and dark wind as it washed over me, I truly felt alone for the first time in my life. I wish I was Adjuncas once more. Maybe then, I’d start over again.
A/N: Well, i've been away for quite a awhile but I'm back and TBRS will be starting back up again! Hope you enjoy the new post! For any of you who read my first version, you’ll realize that I made some major faux pas’ in there about Halibel’s mask and hole (the fact she doesn‘t have one, that is). But I’d totally forgotten that whole point until after I’d gone seeking good reference pictures on dA. Yeah, I know, I’m slow! I love Hali, she such a badass it’s not even funny!!
Ooh and BTW, a lot people get freaked out by her mask being so dominant over her face and boobs but I actually see it as a kinky and hot. Just how is it any different from a leather mask or gag of some sort? I think it intensifies the sexual aspect more, but that‘s my opinion tho!
I also did a name change. We’ve (meaning Bleach comms) have been calling her Halibel so long we forget it’s her last name, just like Stark (which is NOT his name as I’ve just realized and it sucks! It‘s Stalk).
*sighs* But yeah, I did it again, posted prematurely. So, now that I’ve rectified that little point I feel much better today.