So... I made a promise to myself when I started this journal. If I ever reached 69 friends, I'd do something to commemorate it. Thanks to
Tamakin pimping my
Truth Denied WIP with a KICK ASS banner she made me for it, I reached that goal and surpassed it by two.
I wanted to thank everyone who's been reading and commenting. You've all kept me going when my writers block got so bad I felt like screaming.
Now, as a thank you to everyone, I'm offering a first posted first answered request. That's right, I'm going to write a one-shot for the first person to answer this post! It can be a new chapter to an old completed fic (one shots are open game!) or a whole new creation.
If you want a new chapter tell me which fic it is you want me to write for, if you want a prequel, a sequel or someplace in between and something you'd like to see. Please note, whatever it is you want to see, if it doesn't fit in with that 'verse or how I perceive the characters to be I won't be able to write it.
If you want something original, give me the pairing or platonic characters (BTVS and ATS only please! I can't write cross overs) and what you'd like to see. Maybe a lost moment, or a dirty fantasy. Something AU, or bound by cannon? What about something dark, super dark, or so full of light fluffy fun that it almost floats off the page? Remember, I AM trying to be versatile so don't be afraid to ask for a pairing or topic I haven't written yet!
Please remember; this is to be a one shot only, preferably under five pages when completed. Keep that in mind when you are composing your proposal. If I can't write what the first poster wants, I will give them another chance to propose something.