Over at the
Urban Dictionary, the four Saiyuki boys have their own (crappy but amusing) user-submitted entries. Sanzo's is pretty damn hilarious. And Hakkai's is too true. ;D
HakkaiPerfection, majestic, sensual, and/or flawless.
Venus is nothing compared to this Hakkai.
SanzoSanzo is a buddhist monk in the anime series of Saiyuki. His habits
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And here's his (crappily photochopped) Sanzochu.:D
Oops, forgot the sutra. I'll add it later. And maybe do a Gojyo pokemon... XDD
Gojyo can be a Squirtle~! *thumbs up :Db*
. . . . . actually, now that I'm thinking about it. Sanzo can be Misty, and Gojyo can be Brock. And it really ought to be Goku as Ash, and Hakkai can be Professor Oak or something. XD (Aah, Pokemon. My first real fandom, if you don't count Barney or Power Rangers, ah ha ha.)
Er, yeah. XD Somehow that got by the "safesearch" filter, even. (Isn't that Ash and Misty, aka Goku and Sanzo? Gahah.)
-- no, I'm kind of not all that surprised, really. XD The Pokemon fandom is scary, sometimes. Even more brain-breaking is the fact that the main characters are all somewhere between 10 and 13, and this kinda stuff still pops-up a lot.
Anyway. Quick character breakdowns~!
Ash jumps into fights without thinking, and spends at least two minutes every episode complaining about being hungry. And most of his other dialogue can be broken down to, "RAWR DON'T CALL ME STUPID/WEAK/NAIVE/TWERP" and "GRAH I SHALL DEFEAT YOU."
Misty yells when people are stupid, and she smacks the other guys around (because she's secretly a she-pimp), and she magically extracts a paper fan from thin air sometimes to do so.
Brock does all of the responsible mommy stuff (and he even gets a frilly apron). But he also chases after chicks all the time, and gets shot down all the time. (Also he has no eyes, because I refuse to believe that those two lines beneath his eyebrows are capable of seeing anything.)
. . . Ah ha ha, fond memories, punctuated by traumatizing fanart and fics and really bad merchandise. ♥
And that was quite a tangent. :o
Responsible mommy stuff is very Hakkai, but the rest does fit Gojyo. Hey, maybe Brock is his and Gojyo's mpreg love child. :D
What is Hakkai's poke-person like?
. . . Brock as their love child makes so much more sense than it should. XD Two-in-one~! (Ah ha ha).
Professor Oak isn't really a good match for Hakkai, and is actually probably more like Koumyou. Oak is intelligent and does the sort of exposition stuff whenever he appears in the episode, which is why I matched him with Hakkai, but if I remember right, Oak's kind of absent-minded once in a while, and does things like, "*explains things for five minutes* . . . and right, what was your question again?" Which is more Koumyou Sanzo-ish than Hakkai-ish. (Why must you be so difficult to Poke-fy, Hakkai?)
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