Jul 28, 2007 11:21
We watch ourselves
mirrors in the rain
echos whispering of our pasts
and attempts to correct them
polar opposite lifes
neither bringing happiness
utter confusion of thoughts
and emotional chaos
I have walked the life
which would have lead to an early grave
fountains of liquor
and south florida snow
I stopped completely
because I realized I was running
but in doing so
I lost my soul
On the other end
I became a good boy
only to have my heart played with
and finally torn
I craved the parties
and bitter sweet confessions
and while I wore my masks
I was dying inside
Now I face
a hard task indeed
learning how to party
without being a sleaze ball
I want to be
the type of guy you can bring home
without loosing
my rights to go out
I remain a paradox
both simple and complex
I like to go out
and stay home alone
I will be close to you
and also be miles away
and though you might know me
don't assume you know it all
Moderation is the key
to be who I am
engaged twice
and was a fool just as many
I look at my life
and have no regrets
even though I have
lost many years of my life
So now I wonder
what else I should say
this man with eccentricities
and unpredictable emotions
as I try to describe
who I am now
but in all honesty
I don't even know
The only thing I can say
with any certainty
is that wherever I will go
no matter what I become
it will be ever changing
and I will only be
by Eduardo David Carneiro