Apr 10, 2006 22:23
Kita is driving me crazy. Every time I see her it makes me sick, because I can't think of anything clever to do to get back at her except calling her on her stupidity, and I haven't had that since the "Jewism" remark. I told myself that I was bigger than that, that I didn't need to "get back" at her because I was more mature.
Well, apparently, I'm not.
It's not just the revenge, it's the fact that I feel like I'm letting her get away with it more and more every time I see her and it makes me feel like I'm being walked all over. And after living with Jenni I know how pathetic and annoying doormats can be. I love Jenni, but... yeah.
Anyways, I don't talk to her. We do however go back and forth on the tv, because she turns it off while I leave the room to check my email, and I return that by turning the volume up five more notches when I turn it back on. I leave cigarette butts on the porch because it annoys her, even though I have to make myself smoke just to do it.
It's petty stuff, and I hate doing it, but I hate letting her think she can get away with it. Crystal and Jenni already act like nothing ever happened, Crystal is buddybuddy with her, and I can't do that. I cannot forget, and refuse to forgive until I at least get some sign of remorse.
I want this little only child to know that she can't get away with doing and saying anything that she wants.