Poor Cameron isn't happy this morning. His back is all swollen and infected again. Looks like this time he'll have to go see a doctor. He wants to go as soon as possible, so either on his lunchbreak or after work tonight.
Cam's dad called up this morning really early to wish him a happy belated birthday. He's really kicking himself that he forgot on the day, but he's been super busy with work. Cam found out the thing on his back is the same thing his dad had years ago. Oh yay! So it looks like he may have to have surgery yet, as that's how they treat it... or at least they used to...
We were supposed to meet with our reception co-ordinator tonight, but unfortunately I'll still be at work at the time of the appointment. But luckily (well, unlucky for her) Heidi called in sick this morning, so we have been able to reschedule. Maybe we can meet up with Gary and Tenille tonight for a while, depending on what happens with Cam's back... hmm...
Another survey thingy about me...
x. HEIGHT: 5ft 7in
x. EYE COLOR: Blue-green
x. PIERCINGS: Two in each ear
x. TATTOOS: None yet
r i g h t n o w
x. WHAT YOU WEARING?: Blue and green patterned t-shirt, black
pinstripe pants
x. WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?: At the moment, Calm
Down by Killing Heidi
x. WHAT TASTE IS IN YOUR MOUTH?: Nothing, not eating or
drinking anything at the moment
x. WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?: Too dark to see right now, but it
was clear and sunny today
x. HOW ARE YOU?: Yeah, not bad, thanks for asking
x. GET MOTION SICKNESS?: Yep, sometimes
x. HAVE A BAD HABIT?: Yep... don't most people have at least
x. GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?: Most of the time, yes
x. LIKE TO DRIVE?: I would love to one day
x. BOYFRIEND?: Yep, that would be Mr Cameron
x. GIRLFRIEND?: Hahahahah nope
x. SEXUALITY?: Straight
x. CHILDREN?: Not yet
but I'd rather not talk about him, he's in the past and he can stay
there :S
x. BEEN HURT?: Yep, both emotionally and physically
x. YOUR GREATEST REGRET?: Probably not finishing high school
when I should have... but then if I had I might be a very different
person and I don't regret who I am :)
x. YOUR CD PLAYER HAS IN IT RIGHT NOW?: At this moment, it's
playing Darren Hayes
x. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON what color would you be?: A nice sky
x. WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?: Friends, family, music, shiny things,
pampering myself occasionally
Seven things in your room:
1. A tiger print on the wall
2. A bed
3. Books
4. Perfume
5. Cat hair
6. Clothes
7. A TV
Seven things to do before death:
1. Visit the UK
2. Have a family
3. Learn a musical instrument properly (such as guitar or piano)
4. Get in contact with my UK cousins
5. Own our own house
6. Expand my circle of friends
7. Get published
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. Personality
2. Musical tastes
3. Eyes
4. Sense of humour
5. Compassion
6. Their brain
7. Their goals/values
Top seven things you say most:
1. Bugger
2. Puss
3. Shit!
4. Yeah
5. Sweetie
6. Lucky (no.1 cats name)
7. Missy (no.2 cats name)
Do You:
Smoke?: Nope
Do drugs?: Only coffee and chocolate lol
Read the newspaper?: Very occasionally at work
Pray?: No, I'm not a religious person
Have you ever:
Been in love?: Yes
Gone skinny dipping?: Can't say that I have
Had a medical emergency?: Um, yeah, unfortunately
Had surgery?: Yes
Swam in the dark?: Yes
Been to a Bonfire: Yeah
Got Drunk: A couple of times
Ran away from home?: Almost
Played strip poker?: No
Gotten beaten up?: Only by siblings, and I gave as good as I got
Been on stage?: For school concerts, yes
Slept outdoors?: Nope
Pulled an all nighter?: Yep
If yes, what is your record?: A full night
Made out with a stranger?: No
Been on radio/tv?: Nope
Been in a mosh-pit?: No
Gotten lost in the woods: lol, yeah, almost
Smoked a Cigar: Ew, no
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Yes
Describe your first kiss?: It was icky... my boyfriend at the time
stuck his tongue right down my throat, and it tasted really bad :S
About You
Three words that sum you up: Ditzy, caring, quiet
Coffee: Mmm, yes please!
Shoes: Whatever I happen to pull on on the way out the door
Cologne/Perfume/Deorderant: Frangipani Fling Impulse body spray
and Maroussia perfume (everyday use)
In the last 24 Hours have you....:
Cried: No
Bought something: Yep, I bought ice cream for the kids yesterday
Gotten sick: No
Sang: hehe, yeah *blush*
Been kissed: Yes
Felt stupid: rofl, yes... went to use the digital camera, but couldn't
work out why it wasn't showing anything on screen... until Cameron
told me I should take the lens cap off... oops! *blush*
Wanted to tell someone you love them, but didn