(no subject)

Dec 14, 2005 01:47

Dear Live Journal,

I've had a pretty rollicking good time since friday I guess.

Friday night was the second to last Sky Like Skin gig before they relocate to England to crack the UK market and all. Man, was it the best ever? Yes, yes it was. That was the best SLS gig ever. From The Bittersweet and The Transistors opening, to SLS themselves, very tight. How good have The Transistors got? I never thought too much of them before this. Kathleen came along and was dubious as to how Simon could be a huge rock god but was pleasantly surprised. Man, me and Andy and his friend Matt (BatMat? Mattman? Matban?) totally rocked the front row. I think Jamie really appreciated our singing along, you could see it on his face. Even when we sucked and tried to copy his vocal style. Plus he dedicated a song to us for making his night, so you know. I ended up getting pretty drunk on cheap wine when Jo started buying us rounds. Oh, I believe I've invited myself along to Timaru with Adam and Das when they play the local radio station this weekend, but I'm unsure at the moment if I'm going to go. It would be pretty cool. He gave me some of his birthday cake which is pretty unsatisfying to eat while you're drunk except the icing is good. So yeah. I can't wait for the next Sky Like Skin gig. It'll be quite sad at the end of it, I love those guys. It'll be the last time I see them play together until maybe I head over to London and hang out with Si or something for a weekend. It'd be real fun, if I'm feeling like I've got a Paris Hilton money supply.

Saturday night was also really good. I honestly thought the Ho Ho Hodown would nearly pack the jetset, it really didn't which was a little disappointing. The bands however were great. Well, the 3 I personally went to see were super. Sixlip was really tight, Runway played a cover of Dead on Arrival. Honestly, I was skeptical beforehand whether it was a wise move to cover such a famous "in" band as FOB, but they pulled it off. Man, I love that song. 4ManBob was great as usual. I was pretty dehydrated after. I think I sweat my innards out. Bring on Christmas Eve at the dux. I'll probably be pretty hammered after starting drinking at 12:30pm after work though.

I was not at work on Sunday. But, work I did do. Man, as most people are semi aware, we sold our house and all and are in the process of building a new one and have moved to a friends farm property in Hoon Hay Valley. We have our little shed thing and caravan and are being little squater hillbilly weirdo living for free freaks here while it gets built. It's kind of cool, its real nice here. We're slowly getting the place sorted, only been here a day or two really. The rabbits got shifted today. Yay. Go Sniff and Clover. We can't get TV yet, we're going to have to erect a pole and get a sky dish attached to it.

Went out to the movies with Natalie, saw The Devils Rejects. Man, I have a soft spot for Rob Zombie. I thought it was great, bits were hilarious. But it's kind of twisted sick hilarious that some people dont get. I had a big smile on my face, not that you could tell since me and Natalie were dressed like Auckland scenesters in our Monster Masks. Mine kind of dug into my eyes in most positions, I gutted it out and got used to it after a bit. Breathing made it get all wet via condensation or something. It stated to dribble into my beard, I felt like one of those uncontrollable-dribbler old people/cats/dogs.

I'll probably be back with more tales of trash,

- B. N. Robertson.
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