Question about colostrum...

Jul 14, 2006 15:16

So my son has (or had) a dairy allergy, and since he's not nursing very much anymore (2-3 times per day on average) I thought I'd try to eat some cheese, and see if it causes problems with him. Well, it didn't, so I bought some yogurt the next day. I ate some, still no problems. I was telling a friend of mine about this, and she mentioned that (she thinks) allergens don't enter colostrum the same way they do breastmilk. Since I'm around ?25? weeks pregnant, my milk has already turned to colostrum (I haven't been able to express any, but I did have an unexplained increase in supply around 20 weeks which leads me to believe that it has changed to colostrum) this would apply to me.

Does anyone know if that's true? So my milk is colostrum, it doesn't matter (as far as allergies go) what I eat? FWIW, I tried him out on yogurt (plain, whole milk, cream-top organic yogurt) today, so we'll see if he's still allergic, but I'm still curious about the colostrum question.
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