Dec 15, 2003 15:47
President Baby Bush:
So, any luck finding those weapons of mass destruction? Think Saddam will talk? If not, I'm sure you'll get him to give you the answers you want somehow. Yes, the man is guilty for crimes against humanity - there is no doubt of that - but finding him by any means necessary? Lying about the reaons you took our country's youth into war? All to avenge your big papa? Whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden? Decided the people of New York City aren't as worth avenging as good ol' Dad, eh? Too bad for New Yorkers. Tsk tsk... boys like you go to hell too, sir - where I'm sure you'll end up rubbing noses with your good pal Saddam again.
Thank holy God above your time ruling this country is over in 2008 at the very latest. Here's to hoping you won't even get the 2004 election, but chances are you will, so if I get the opportunity, I'll probably be taking the "get out" end of the "if you don't like our rules" game.
I hope one day the people of this world wisen up and try you for the blatant lies you used to start this witch hunt.
A Disgusted Citizen of the great United States of Abomination