"To say the Bible was written by men and may contain inaccuracies..."

Jan 22, 2008 14:52

"... completely contradicts the word of the Bible."

yeah yeah yeah, its been a while. get over it.

luckily, i am at a place in my head that i dont feel the need to talk about things that confuse and upset me, because right now, even the things that DID confuse and upset me dont. so fuck those things. (you know what im talking about, meegs :P)

no, i am here to proclaim something far more important. its something that you already should know, but still. sometimes we need a reminder of what's important.


go, read as much as you can stomach, and then get back to me here.

praise odin

oh... man... i had to add this one. it is the best...

"If the Bible is wrong when it tells us it is infallible, then it contradicts itself.
If it contradicts itself, then it is unreliable.
If it is unreliable, then our faith is totally shattered and Christianity is a lie."

wow... it looks like someone may have realised something here, im a little more than surprised...

"You need to seriously reconsider your logic."

oh. never mind :P
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