Jar of Hearts {1/6}

Apr 01, 2012 00:13

Jar of Hearts {1/6}; Changmin/Onew; DBSK/SHINee; PG-13 [pairing does not and will not in any way stay constant]

He hadn’t meant for it to happen. It just did. He couldn’t help it. Jonghyun knew he hated broken promises more than anything in his life. Was it that hard to take that in mind?

Jinki stood in the middle of the crossroads, not giving a second shit about the damn vehicles honking at him while passing by. Give the man a break, couldn’t they? Get the fuck out of there! all the blinking lights and blaring horns seemed to say.

He had decided to resign to his fate, when he’d felt someone pulling him away, probably the cops. His feet trudged along; head hung low with his arms as lifeless as he could be.

“That was really dangerous,” the other man said, “you could’ve been killed. Are you all right? There was a drunk and reckless driver up the corner, he wouldn’t have seen you and ran you over. I hope you’re fine, where do you stay? Be glad that I’m not the police, or you’d be jailed.”

“Let me die.” Jinki muttered, legs turning around, bringing him back to danger.

“Are you crazy? Don’t say stuff like that!” Jinki struggled against the tight hold at his waist before falling into unconsciousness.


Jinki couldn’t open his eyes. He tried to. It was as though his eyelids were filled with lead. There was this faint beeping to his right, and he felt so sleepy.


Chapter 1.

“Are you alright?” there was a slight pause as Jinki continues shifting on his bed, eyes refusing to cooperate, “You’ve been out for two days now.”

Jinki felt a hand - definitely larger than his own - landing on his side. He couldn’t literally see the hand, but with fingers longer than his, it was a given, wasn’t it?

“The doctor said you were mentally unstable,” more pause, “but it was caused by a recent trauma, so you’ll heal in time. Soon, he said. And I hope you don’t take it too hard, but I needed to sign off as your -- significant other on the papers, so you could be admitted to this wing of the hospital.”

There were so many questions flying past Jinki’s mind by the speed of sound, but he could only mutter a soft thank you.

“Oh, you’re welcome.”

To be quite honest with the current situation on hand, Jinki had felt a little awkward - I mean, he doesn’t even know him or his name, and they’re already together? As recorded on the hospital papers (as according to the stranger), they were significant others. All he really remembers was trying to die after Jonghyun, that cheatinglyingbisexualbastard had broken up with him over some vixen named Se Kyung. Thinking back, he should’ve thrown a stainless steel baseball bat on his feet, so he wouldn’t even be able to wear shoes. That rat-ass shorty deserved that.

“So… I actually have to apologize for checking your wallet. I needed some kind of identity in order to fill up the forms.”

“It’s okay. I should be the one apologizing actually… Placing myself in the hands of danger just because I couldn’t get over heartbreak. I must’ve been utterly dumb-struck and not thinking about the consequences then.” Jinki coughs out the last sentence, throat dry from two days of unconsciousness.

“I’ll go get you a glass of water.”


Jinki then realizes that he has had his eyes closed throughout the entire conversation with the stranger. His eyelids were still refusing to lift a muscle. He groans in frustration, if he had any energy in his arms, he would’ve peeled his eyelids open just to catch a glimpse of the kind stranger. Jinki turns his head to the door when he hears a different pair of shoes clacking against the floor.

“I see that you’re awake, Mr. Lee. How are you feeling today?” the other person (definitely not the stranger, he sounds way different) chirps out.

“I’m great, other than the fact that I can’t open my eyes, everything is fine.” Jinki croaks out, “are you the doctor?” he wonders out, softly.

“Oh no, I’m the nurse here. You can call me Taemin. Everyone here calls me ‘Nurse Lee!’ because as you can see, my name is Lee Taemin, but I know how awkward it is to call someone with the same surname, so you can call me by my name. And the reason why only you can call me that is because I’m only a week into my job, and you’re the eighth patient I’m working with, this is so exciting! Oh god, I’m blabbering again, aren’t I? I just love working so much!” he continues chirping like the birds in spring.

Jinki didn’t need to call him Nurse Lee to feel awkward; he already was with his relentless talking.

“And can I say, your significant other is really good looking. Great taste, Mr. Lee!” Taemin squealed like the little fanboy he was.

“Huh?” was the only thing Jinki had managed to come up with, judging from the fact that he has never seen how the man looks like, other than having a simple, uncluttered conversation with him on the hard hospital bed.

“Yes, I hope you don’t mind me saying that, but Mr. Shim is really tall and kind and handsome and cool and…”

Jinki feels himself derailing from the conversation, just how did the stranger look like, and what was his name? Shim what?

“Oh hi Mr. Shim! I was just talking to Mr. Lee here about you. I’m here to deliver lunch, as you can see. I’ll leave the both of you alone then!” Taemin joyfully said, “See you later Mr. Lee!”

“Bye.” Jinki forces a strained smile, which he decides, was more on the frown-y side rather than a smile.

The door closes, followed by heavy footsteps shuffling, wheeling something. Jinki slumps back onto his bed, feeling some sort of relief he didn’t know of overcoming his senses.

“Still unable to open your eyes?”

Jinki shakes his head slightly, only being able to move that much.

“It’s a miracle. Being able to speak that much, but still not able to move.“

“It’s frustrating.”

“Well, your food is here. Doesn’t look very appetizing to me.”

“Do I look like I’m capable of eating?”

“I could feed you.”

Really… Jinki muses.

“I can’t chew.”


“Mr. Shim?” Jinki mutters.

“Right, call me Chang Min. We are together now.” Jinki may not have been able to see a thing, but he could hear the goddamned snicker behind the words.

“Okay. Chang Min, where’s the water you promised?”

Jinki feels awfully pleased at himself when he realizes he's gaining the energy to talk with vigor. The same pair of large hands held and supported him by his shoulders, it was only then when he feels as useful as a dead battery. Something cold was pressed against his lips, and next, he finds himself digging the spur of energy out of nowhere, opening his eyes and...

"Hey, your eyes are open!"


Alright, don't stone me for all the incorrect facts. I do know that it's almost impossible for such a situation to actually take place in reality, but let's just let things slide. Comments and concrits are always appreciated, though not necessary. Anyways, on to annoying a/n, I'm finally back with fics. I've been so busy with preparation on an interview with an Arts school. I really hope I get the school! 

fanfics, pairing: onew/changmin, fandom: dbsk, fandom: shinee

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