The croquet chronicles

Jul 06, 2006 11:58

For a while now, the most recent croquet game was May sixth, and synce it's now July sixth and noöne likes to be two months behind, it was time to catch up a bit. It started out simply enough: Just add two recent croquet games to the ol' website. The games themselves are these two beautiful springtime matches:

Powderhouse Double Croquet Monitor Memoriäl Croquet
Then, of course there were th'associäted changes, like additions (and subtractions) from the main croquet page and additions to the 2006 archive. All of that was needlessly complicated by that I've been updating the website from three different computers, and considering the possibilities of forgetting where the most recent version was, there wasn't much I had to completely redo.

The maps were their own saga. As soon as I decided to play above Powderhouse Circle again, I was committing myself to making a disambiguätion page therefor, which necessitated a relinking from the Massachusetts Bay map.

Previöusly, clicking on New York City on the main map took the browser straight to the Central Park map, but the game in Brooklyn meant I needed to show at least a little outerboro. It is with pride that I now present the new New York City croquet map, which is much bigger than it needs to be so I wouldn't've t'embiggen it each time I played a new game-notice particularly that their are scenic parks in th'upper left and lower right of the current map. This new map immitates the look of the Charles River map, which I find works well for urban areæ. In particular, I think the light blue line that used to seperate land from water is a thing of the past, as it also does not appear on the newish Champlain Valley map. Anyway, this new map squeezing between the main and Central Park map required relinkings from both ends.

I'm now only three games behind, but I've only got the photos for one of them, as my camera is not so much working these days. Still, there's talk of croquet this weekend...
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